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Another marble attempt and new fluted molds


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Hi Everyone -- I got some new molds and these are the fluted ones, I really like them. The only thing is the have tiny little tiny holes in them all over. I poured at 185 degrees? I didn't warm my molds, show I have done that? Or?

Also, here is my 2nd mottled attempt. I like it but it is not as good as I would like it to be so I'm going to try again today. Please tell me your honest opinion. I'm new so I have lots of growing room.



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That's a great marble. I tend to like the more subtle ones. I really like those fluted molds. One day I'll splurge and get me one, if Santa doesn't bring it...lol. As for the holes on it, it depends on what kinda holes they are. Can't really see in the pic. If they have even a slightly frosty look or look like partial air bubbles, warming the mold should prevent that. If they're cone shped like pinholes, that's another story and the cure varies by person. I usually only get them when I've heated the mold and or wax too hot. A cool water bath helps makes mine go away.

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