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I'M BACK!!! Marbled Black Raspberry Vanilla

Candle Kitty

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Okay, several posts coming, I took a bunch of pictures of the candle itself outside and it shows several angles, bear with me, there's like five pictures.

This is one of two candles I'm currently working the instructions on, the other is Asian Sandalwood. This one isn't wicked yet, nor is it leveled, I was too excited when I slipped it out of the mold to see what I did. I honestly don't think I'll burn this one, it's going on my breakfast bar along with a 3 x 3 and a 3 x 9 once I get more wax on a mirror. It matches my kitchen and living room BEAUTIFULLY!


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Actually, Judy yeah that originally started me on the marbles, but since I use dye chips instead of liquid, I had to revamp the technique and since there are those that use chips as well, I thought I'd throw my technique into the barrel as well.

Forgot to add that this candle is pink and burgundy, a dark burgundy at that, there's places on this candle that almost looks black, but I LOVE it!

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Oh I only have chips right now. I guess I will wait until I have directions for the chips. I am actually waiting for a shipment of liquid and I just bought some blocks from soneone on here so I will try all the color variables.

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I must really be a sick person....I actually got an adrenaline rush looking at YOUR candles. I know what it feels like un-molding a candle and it makes you go WOW. I would be excited too. Love that dramatic marble....I have to try those.....Auntie D

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I must really be a sick person....I actually got an adrenaline rush looking at YOUR candles. I know what it feels like un-molding a candle and it makes you go WOW. I would be excited too. Love that dramatic marble....I have to try those.....Auntie D

Okay, I'm blushing now, that's the compliment of the year for me, Donita, thanks :smiley2:

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Hey doll, those are f*ckin awesome marbles. Just unfathomably gorgeous! You're the marble girl for sure. And the sharpness of your grass photography can't be beat.

Thank you, thank you and yeah, my camera STILL SUCKS! I've got to get the frickin' manual and find out why it's focusing on the background and not the subject! Those pics were taken supposedly with the high resolution side of the THING I have...

Maybe I should change my name to Marble Kitty....


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Are they low in carbs?????? Candles aren't just for breakfast anymore.....LOL... anyway......Your marbles are what I want. I didn't know it until I saw them. I have made maybe a few dozen.....not really excited about them....I want mine to look like yours. Auntie D

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