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Charcoal Soap


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I think they look great. Could those marks have come from your liner?

I also found charcoal at Texas Natural Supply and the price was great.

The liner was freezer paper, same as always. It's too weird how the pattern is consistent, like I planned it.

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I like that soap! That accidental pattern makes it pop. It reminds me of some bone beads that were black with white cuts in them. *soap porn approval*

I've wanted to try charcoal just for the color but I'm terrified it will stain something.

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Cool looking!

I'm with Jadewicks....it looks like the track marks from whatevr use use to make your swirlies (which are awesome, btw!). I use a bamboo skewer...and I'd think that's what it might look like....if it was uber thickening.....maybe. Dunno...but it sure is cool looking!


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I'm just curious as to why you would want soap this color and named "charcoal".

Is there a purpose for that? Is the soap used for something special?


Activated charcoal will make the soap black and is supposed to be beneficial for drawing impurities from the skin.

You guys are right, drag marks from the skewer, the soap was so thick it never came back together.


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that's cool! so is every bar black on the bottom? does it come off on your skin to (not stain it, but get the black color and then rinse off) that might freak me out a little, but the color itself would totally go with my bathroom colors!

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  • 1 year later...

The pattern is neat. I just bought a charcoal soap from a soap vendor over the week-end and yes it does show on the washcloth and on your skin but washes off. I want to try some but it's really hard to get where I am and don't want to buy from an American supplier when I just need one thing. Out of desperation I may go to the health food store here and break open all the capsules to get the powder as that is the only way I can find where I am. Awhile back I called all these fish places but no one had powder as they all sold granular stuff.

Edited by Firefly
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  • 2 weeks later...
The pattern is neat. I just bought a charcoal soap from a soap vendor over the week-end and yes it does show on the washcloth and on your skin but washes off. I want to try some but it's really hard to get where I am and don't want to buy from an American supplier when I just need one thing. Out of desperation I may go to the health food store here and break open all the capsules to get the powder as that is the only way I can find where I am. Awhile back I called all these fish places but no one had powder as they all sold granular stuff.

Pop the granular charcoal into a coffee grinder and grind into powder. Wait for a few minutes before opening the grinder lid, as the powder will float all over if you don't.

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