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The first is a revisit to Goat’s in the Garden, first of the year. Now that I have finally learned how to make ungelled soap I tried it with this one.

The second is a new experiment, Cleopatra. Goat’s milk and pomegranate, colored with gold and white mica, the white mica just seemed to disappear, nor is the gold as strong as I expected it to be. Lightly scented with Egyptian musk.

Thanks looking



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Very Earthy! Nice molds also!

What are you talking about? Molds?? Surely you realize that soap like that doesn't come in those neat little shapes from individual molds? Or that the designs on top are part of a mold?? Weren't you just around here on the soap forum giving advice? To me, those gorgeous soaps look like they came from a slab mold... the tops teased into perfect little peaks from swirling, then cut & beveled. It's a lot of work, but your soaps are terrific!

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Thank you everyone.

Teresa is right; these were made in slab molds. In fact these were the first batches made in the new slab molds made by my brother in law for me. I gave them soap for Christmas (anyone surprised?). It’s the first of my soap they have tried. I could tell they weren’t impressed when they opened their gifts… but a few weeks later he came by and told me “hey, that soap you make is really great”. My reply was “I know”. Now he is convinced that my soap is the best in the world and will cure any skin condition including poison ivy. For real, he got into some poison ivy a couple weeks ago and it cleared up in only two days instead of the usual 10. He’s convinced it’s the soap! LMAO. Well, I’m not going to argue about it, not as long as it gets me free molds! LOL.

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Good lookin' soaps. What gold were you using? I've found I almost have to double the amount I use to get it to come out the way I want it, but the bars look very nice.

I have settled on WSP’s 24k Gold mica. It does morph slightly (becoming a bit on the orange side) but generally holds a nice sparkle when done. I use it is the 24 Carrot Gold bars. I used the same amount in the Cleopatra bars but I think the difference is the carrots make the soap slightly translucent while the goat’s milk produces a very opaque soap. I worry about using too much colorant, especially oxides as I worry they will affect the texture of the soap.

and E... I LOVE my slab molds! LOL... I only use the log molds for when i have to HP a batch, since I can't make pretty HP anyway... LOL

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