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I mix mine outside, making sure I'm upwind of the container. I leave it out there until I have all my oils/fats measured and melted and sometimes until they've cooled down also. It all depends on how I'm going to soap that day.

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I have a heavy duty mask that you could stick right into the fumes and not inhale anything. Of course I dont' do that and I usually put my ceiling fan on with the window above the sink cracked, just in case the kids or hub come close to the kitchen, they don't get hit with the fumes full force.

I tried to find the pic I have with me in it, but I can't find it in my computer. If I find it I'll post a pic of it.

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I used to run fans, but pretty much do the same everyone else does. I have no windows and if I blow it into the hallway of where I live then the door downstairs needs to be open, fans sitting in a line to blow it out (real pita). I can't go outside and mix it ... every junkie in town would know where to come for lye or the Mayberry police would get too interested and create havoc. So pretty much I stand back.

Now if I had a balcony ... I'd probably do it out there.

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