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Never stop making candles or you may forget

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As many know, hubby and I bought a house and moved into it recently. I had not been making candles since beginning of feb.. Well, I am back up and running and got an order for a tilted layer pillar. I was so proud of what I was doing until I woke up this morning and realized I forgot to pam my mold. I wonder if it's gonna come out or not .. :o Any suggestions or tips ? I had to top it off this morning so it's not ready just yet to come out but I hope I didn't just waste all that time and money and fragrance oil ( that I am now out of ) for nothing. :( Stupid me sometimes!!


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You should be OK..I've been making pillars,sometimes non-scented, for years and never spray mine and they come out fine. From time to time I have one that wants to be stubborn and I pop it in the freezer for a few minutes and then it slides right out.:smiley2:

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Thanks Pam.. But I wasn't going for a rustic. LOL Just a tilted layer pillar ..

my bad...to me they are the same thing:p I could rarely get a perfectly smooth surface pillar - always seemed to get some rustic so I decided that if I couldn't beat 'em - I'd just join 'em!!

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Isn't it funny that now matter how many hundreds of times we do something ... it sure does evaporate into 'duh' so quickly!?! I think that's the definition of short-term memory auto pilot ... or in my case, a know-it-all that topped 40! No matter how many times I dedicate myself to keeping accurate notes, I always skip writing down the really simple stuff that is so simple it doesn't need to be written down. You know, the important stuff we forget to do! BTW, glad to hear you're settled in & back in business. Where are the pics?


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Isn't it funny that now matter how many hundreds of times we do something ... it sure does evaporate into 'duh' so quickly!?! I think that's the definition of short-term memory auto pilot ... or in my case, a know-it-all that topped 40! No matter how many times I dedicate myself to keeping accurate notes, I always skip writing down the really simple stuff that is so simple it doesn't need to be written down. You know, the important stuff we forget to do! BTW, glad to hear you're settled in & back in business. Where are the pics?


LOL yes.. we seem to always forget the simple things that are actually bigger then we think once we remember. LOL

Pics of the house will be coming soon. My parents have been here helping out. We are still in the middle of stuff .. I could take some pictures of " work in progress" if ya want. LOL

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..........and the beat goes on. (smile).......I forget things that happened a minute ago....remind me of why I am writting this.

Just happy your candle came out of the mold. Now if only I could remember what a mold is (smile) Donita

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the really simple stuff that is so simple it doesn't need to be written down.

Isn't that the truth!!!

Haha. You are definitely not alone. Glad it slid right out for you. I don't spray mine either. Beauty of seasoned molds. Especially if you're using FO. The unscented ones are the ones I have more of a problem with.

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Hi Christina.

I was wondering where you went. It's been busy here so I haven't been on here much lately.

I'm too late, but I was going to tell you not to worry. We don't spray our molds either, never have.

Glad to see your back and hopefully you'll get settled in soon. :D

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