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Biofuel demands are making a dent in the market and it's such a shame for several reasons. Biofuel is NOT an efficient replacement for petroleum fuels. It still pollutes (a hydrocarbon is still a hydrocarbon). Using arable land to grow fuel is insane. When food crops begin rising as a result, people will start howling. We NEED to put the technology we already have in terms of wind, solar, wave and hydrogen to work! A 100 mile square windfarm could power at least half of the US. Britain uses wave motion to generate power for some of its cities. They have a fraction of the coastline that the US does... With the money we've spent on war in the last decade, we could've put solar panels on the tops of every home in this country! Moving this country toward ethanol and other biofuels is an unnecessary step, unless one has a lot of interest in petroleum and bigtime agriculture and wants to make a buttload of money along the way... If BMW can make a hydrogen hybrid, couldn't also the least expensive model on the market? And for those who think the US government cannot handle big expansive projects like that and must contract large jobs to the private sector... to greedy contractors, subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, all dipping their beaks and driving up the prices of big projects (look at the "blue roof" fiasco after Katrina), I would remind them to take a look at the TVA and Hoover Dam projects as well as how long it took us to put a man on the moon. This government CAN do amazing projects in the common interest of people if it will STOP trying to act like a business and more like a government by, for and of the people. Government shouldn't run like a business because a business is profit oriented! The problems we see today are the failings of a capitalist system which basically runs on unbridled greed. I point to the fact that oil prices are high not so much because of demand as from market speculators who are pocketing a buttload of money at the expense of everyone else at the pump. It's time we started calling greed what it is: a crime against the rest of humanity. Instead, we think of folks like this as clever and successful businesspeople and wish we could be more like them!

China's dollar closely matches ours right now.

Only because they are valuing their currency artificially and unfairly to manipulate the markets.

Even more incredible is they're a communist country.

There is nothing much wrong with communism - there IS a lot wrong with totalitarian and repressive governments. There is nothing wrong nor mutually exclusive about communist or socialist philosophies in a democracy. It's time folks started reading and understanding instead of accepting propaganda generated by sources who do not want people to think and reason (ie. the greedheads and the tyrants). That's the point where freedom-fighters change into repressive despots (vis-a-vis Che Guevara and Fidel Castro).

Storm the Bastille! oops, sorry - wrong revolution...:embarasse

... or is it the same one continued? :wink2:

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Really sad that because we ship 50% of our crop to another country it creates a shortage here which inflates prices on top of the additional shipping that we are absorbing.

Export, usually considered good -- balance of trade and all. Nice to see the Chinese support the American farmer too.

They still keep the gel forum around. I'm sure the veggie forum will stay too.

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Food exports keep our economy going and soy prices are pure supply and demand no matter who is president. Price controls never have worked only leads to shortages. Solar, wind and hydrogen will not help much too little too late. More drilling (we have plenty of oil) nuclear and coal are the answer to energy independence. Lead on a few toys have nothing to do with the problem.


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China is almost the most oppressive government there is these days. Totalitarian is putting it nicely I think. I do know a bit more, but try not to go too deeply into politics unless I'm in a political forum. We do too much trade, and have done less with government such a Cuba because of the communist aspect alone. Communism and totalitarianism seem to go hand in hand. Far from free if you ask me and it amazes me how we support such governments when they don't do much to support their own people. Ask a Chinese person who's "escaped" how nice China is to it's people. I don't understand why we support that kind of thing at all. :(

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Food exports keep our economy going and soy prices are pure supply and demand no matter who is president. Price controls never have worked only leads to shortages. Solar, wind and hydrogen will not help much too little too late. More drilling (we have plenty of oil) nuclear and coal are the answer to energy independence. Lead on a few toys have nothing to do with the problem.


Apparently you have not listened to the news recently or read the papers. We IMPORTED more food last year than we exported. Our trade deficit is like astronomically HUGE.

I am sorry to disagree with you, but I think you need to read up. History, numbers, facts and common sense do not support your position.

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Did anyone else hear that we are borrowing the money to give back to all Americans? The $600. each and the millions it will cost to send a letter telling us we are getting the $600. Guess who we are borrowing the money from?? China? I swear they were talking about that one night on the news channel. It was about four in the morning and my sleeping pill was starting to kick in. Don't they tell the real news at 6 & 11 O'Clock?

Freedom, what is it good for?? Oh hell, that was war? Did you say there was nothing wrong with Communism? :angry2:

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A remember when gas was $.97 a gallon. HAHA, and at only 24 yrs old... I feel too old already. ;)

I remember the gas wars and it was .24 cents a gallon !!!! I will never forget that !!! I also remember quitting a job when gas got to .75 cents a gallon cuz I was driving 35 miles one way and thought it was rediculous to drive that far. Guess what ??? I pay 3.39/gal now !!! sigh

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I remember the gas wars and it was .24 cents a gallon !!!! I will never forget that !!! I also remember quitting a job when gas got to .75 cents a gallon cuz I was driving 35 miles one way and thought it was rediculous to drive that far. Guess what ??? I pay 3.39/gal now !!! sigh

It's $3.20 or so here :angry2:.... of course we have "Fuel Perks" from the supermarket... i.e. a few cents off here and there for your grocery purchases. I think the last time I checked I have $.46 off per gallon... but that only save about $7.00 or $8.00 on a fill up. And sadly, you spend about $200.00 in groceries to get that. But I guess since it's free (you gotta eat), might as well take it!

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Like I mentioned in an earlier post, my soy wax here in Canada is $96.00 for a 50# case (was $89.00)....Palm is $95.00 for a 50# case....I can only pray ours doesn't double!!

I hear you on the gas issue , our gas is $1.06 a litre which equals roughly $4.00 a gallon! This is crazy!!

Kim :cry2:

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Like I mentioned in an earlier post, my soy wax here in Canada is $96.00 for a 50# case (was $89.00)....Palm is $95.00 for a 50# case....I can only pray ours doesn't double!!

I hear you on the gas issue , our gas is $1.06 a litre which equals roughly $4.00 a gallon! This is crazy!!

Kim :cry2:

How much is a bag of milk? HEHEHEHHEHE :D

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That's funny, I've been thinking about switching to soy because it's cheaper than my J50. (really, I prefer paraffin, though).

Some paraffin wax prices have increased tremendously. I just reviewed my invoices from CS. In July, 2006 a 55 lb case of J50 was $54.95. In Dec. 2007, (supposedly a 60 lb case) was $69.95.

This is a 17 cents per lb increase in 1-1/2 yrs. Sounds like a lot more, though, when you figure it at $15 more per case. Thank goodness, not all paraffin wax prices have increased this much.

It's much easier for the wholesalers to raise their prices than it is for us retailers. They know we have to adjust or call it quits. We don't like the increases, but do understand they are necessary when the wholesalers have to pay more, but the average customer just doesn't comprehend or really care that we have to pay more for supplies and shipping. I haven't raised any prices in almost 2 yrs......with several wax and shipping increases during this time, I am making less and less profit. I just can't get up the nerve to address these increases with my customers. I'm afraid I will just come across as 'whining', and they certainly don't want to hear that. Most of them just want a low price for a high quality product, whether we make much profit or not. I thought this through when I started, and set my prices accordingly, knowing how difficult it would be to increase for a while. I just don't know how much longer I can continue selling at the same price. Now with people getting more concerned about the economy, it's hardly a good time to raise prices. I'll call it quits before I will compromise the quality, though.

Maybe half of us should get into soy bean farming and the other half into processing soybeans into wax. Then we can keep it all for ourselves and forget about China!

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Did anyone else hear that we are borrowing the money to give back to all Americans? The $600. each and the millions it will cost to send a letter telling us we are getting the $600. Guess who we are borrowing the money from?? China? I swear they were talking about that one night on the news channel. It was about four in the morning and my sleeping pill was starting to kick in. Don't they tell the real news at 6 & 11 O'Clock?

Freedom, what is it good for?? Oh hell, that was war? Did you say there was nothing wrong with Communism? :angry2:

The majority of our trillion dollar deficit is owed to China. They own us. LOL - Not!

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Hi All, I'm new here so I will try to keep to my P's and Q's. The market drives prices either up or down. As long as oil is traded on the market and someone can make a profit by buying and selling then it's going one way or the other. Consumption is the only way we can fight this. Drive a cheap to operate car and drive less. Everything we use today is made from oil. Plastics for the puters, coke bottles, your toothbrush and the plastic squezz tube the paste is in. The point I am trying to make is the LESS we use the MORE we will have and that will somewhat drive the price down. We can not do anything about China but we can stop the flood of Chinese materials into the US by not buying them. I REFUSE to buy anything made in China. I will do without first. If everyone would do this then it will only help us. Just my two cents worth.... Joe:o

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Ah, well that explains alot - I just learned something new! Thanks for the tip! :smiley2:

Well I won't pretend to know everything. But I still think that if people panic and start running out to purchase larger than normal quantities that prices will increase because of this as well.

I'm not running out to buy any soy at this point in time. I'm not letting the market dictate what I do! PERIOD. It's all well and good that soy suppliers are in demand because of the alternative fuel economy, but in the same sense, we are, for the most part, small businesses, or hobbyists, and don't need to be bullied by anyone. I won't be rushing to buy candle wax, period, at this point. It's the slow season. Let's see what happens when demand rises for US. ;) Who will get our business then? The suppliers who have the most reasonable prices and the 'best wax.' And we have plenty of time to decide who has it!!! :D

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As usual, you hit the nail right on the head, Stella. It's really not about going 'green.' It's the market economy and what's 'popular.' People really need to do their research and understand that a lot of the stuff they are reading is so market-driven it's ridiculous. I live in Upstate NY and the NYC people (forgive me for the stereotype) insist they are doing good by buying soy candles (I don't mislead them, by the way) instead of petro candles... But they drive their expensive SUVs and burn fuel that is 'harming' our environment. They buy land that could be used for farming and build billion dollar homes.... and bitch if they cannot buy acres of land for said purposes (for a NYC retreat or whatever). We are all seemingly subject to those who make more $, in the long run. A fair market economy is a joke. Communism is better, in my opinion, than capitalism...

At least we would all be broke! (Just joking...)

The dead white guys set this crap in place...

Isn't it time for our integrated society to band together and say ENOUGH!? We, as little people, cannot afford to deal with being bullied by the TOP 5%. Nor have we ever.

It's time for us to take a stand, really, and stop believing everything we read.

Biofuel demands are making a dent in the market and it's such a shame for several reasons. Biofuel is NOT an efficient replacement for petroleum fuels. It still pollutes (a hydrocarbon is still a hydrocarbon). Using arable land to grow fuel is insane. When food crops begin rising as a result, people will start howling. We NEED to put the technology we already have in terms of wind, solar, wave and hydrogen to work! A 100 mile square windfarm could power at least half of the US. Britain uses wave motion to generate power for some of its cities. They have a fraction of the coastline that the US does... With the money we've spent on war in the last decade, we could've put solar panels on the tops of every home in this country! Moving this country toward ethanol and other biofuels is an unnecessary step, unless one has a lot of interest in petroleum and bigtime agriculture and wants to make a buttload of money along the way... If BMW can make a hydrogen hybrid, couldn't also the least expensive model on the market? And for those who think the US government cannot handle big expansive projects like that and must contract large jobs to the private sector... to greedy contractors, subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, all dipping their beaks and driving up the prices of big projects (look at the "blue roof" fiasco after Katrina), I would remind them to take a look at the TVA and Hoover Dam projects as well as how long it took us to put a man on the moon. This government CAN do amazing projects in the common interest of people if it will STOP trying to act like a business and more like a government by, for and of the people. Government shouldn't run like a business because a business is profit oriented! The problems we see today are the failings of a capitalist system which basically runs on unbridled greed. I point to the fact that oil prices are high not so much because of demand as from market speculators who are pocketing a buttload of money at the expense of everyone else at the pump. It's time we started calling greed what it is: a crime against the rest of humanity. Instead, we think of folks like this as clever and successful businesspeople and wish we could be more like them!

Only because they are valuing their currency artificially and unfairly to manipulate the markets.

There is nothing much wrong with communism - there IS a lot wrong with totalitarian and repressive governments. There is nothing wrong nor mutually exclusive about communist or socialist philosophies in a democracy. It's time folks started reading and understanding instead of accepting propaganda generated by sources who do not want people to think and reason (ie. the greedheads and the tyrants). That's the point where freedom-fighters change into repressive despots (vis-a-vis Che Guevara and Fidel Castro).

Storm the Bastille! oops, sorry - wrong revolution...:embarasse

... or is it the same one continued? :wink2:

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Food exports keep our economy going and soy prices are pure supply and demand no matter who is president. Price controls never have worked only leads to shortages. Solar, wind and hydrogen will not help much too little too late. More drilling (we have plenty of oil) nuclear and coal are the answer to energy independence. Lead on a few toys have nothing to do with the problem.


NOT wanting to start an argument here, but there is a very LARGE ski resort near me that is totally run on wind energy, enough to fuel around 5 billion homes yearly. Oh and yes, let's just drill, drill, drill until nothing's left of our natural environment. Not saying it's "not" ok to use our natural resources... but why not set a few million windmills in place and see what happens? Drr... because the powers that be will not make $ off of it like they do oil!

And if you have kids, you SHOULD care about what lead can do to kids. Period.

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Late night posting is never a good idea but here goes...

Well that's a bit sly!

I would NOT order from a supplier who pulled a stunt like that. Ever.

Do you mean because he's warning about higher prices? I don't know if his post was appropriate or not, or if he was really meaning to be helpful but I do know when my local farm supplyhouse calls to warn of increases in fuel/chemical/fertilizer costs so I can stock up before the price hikes I pay attention and act accordingly. They're doing me a favor and hate the increases as much as I do, as I suspect the wax suppliers feel, too.

Let's see what happens when demand rises for US. ;) Who will get our business then?

The same suppliers who are themselves getting whiplashed by higher costs, just like us.

A fair market economy is a joke. Communism is better, in my opinion, than capitalism...


there is a very LARGE ski resort near me that is totally run on wind energy, enough to fuel around 5 billion homes yearly.

Please don't tell me you meant to say "billion".

I do support windpower and think we should be investing in a whole lot more of it but let's not simplify all this either. Surely we can do better than just becoming a nation of windmills and cell towers. I've been staring at three gigantic powerlines out my front window for the last thirty-five years and learned at an early age what scenic pollution is. Metal is metal and it ain't part of nature. Not to mention trying to farm around the darn things. Where are all these millions of turbines going to be placed? They obviously work best in certain geographic areas and, yep, that also includes right in the middle of prime farmland or places like the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (which, so far, as a federally protected area has managed to keep them out)

And then you've got the question of impact on wildlife. Everything we do in large scale has impact. Just like the worries that the Alaska pipeline impacted migrating wildlife, a "few million windmills" would have a huge effect. There's lots of publicity now about a company wanting to harvest the wave energy off the Oregon coast. Sounds great - very clean and green, just the kind of thing Oregon likes - and I hope it works - but the big unanswered question is will the 18,000 migrating gray whales and the salmon like it.

Don't get me wrong. I agree that the status quo is not acceptable but as a previous poster pointed out it should start with doing something about our obscene consumption of this planet. And I don't mean pointing our fingers at the other guy with his SUV, either. Shopping is a national pastime. We want stuff and we want it NOW. We want to go places and we want to go NOW. We feed the voracious appetite of that free market that's been talked about so disdainfully here.

stop believing everything we read

Including this thread? :)

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