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Hi all, newbie here just starting to learn. I've been reading the boards and looking at the gallery for a few months and finally got up enough nerve to try a few techniques. I loved the threads about the mottles, so I thought I'd try. It's amazing how just tiny amount of something can change the finish. I haven't tried to duplicate these so don't know if they would happen again, but it was fun playing!



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Thank you for the nice comments! They were all mostly made the same way

16 oz 1343

1 oz raspberry-vanilla from Just Scent

4 drops red,one drop blue, one drop black liquid coloring


left had .1 oz vybar 343 and few pellets of clear crystals

center had .2 oz vybar 343 and little more clear crystals

right had .2 oz vybar 343 and about 1 gram clear crystals

Sorry I couldn't be more exact about the clear crystals, but I couldn't get a measurement until the third pillar. Also, these molds are only 2" by 3.5"; I didn't know if that would make a difference.


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What temp did you pour these, were the all poured at the same temp. Were your molds room temp? Thanks

Oops, sorry, forgot about that part.:o They were all poured at about 185 into slightly heated molds. (My house gets pretty chilly)


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They look great - I also like the sporadic mottling. Before I knew it, I could just tell you used vybar 343 - it really dries up the surface but makes the mottle more even. Every time I used vybar 343 in 1343 I get granite mottling (what I refer to as your left one). They look good in a grouping too!

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