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Need Spanish Legal Help with Photo stealing.......


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Hi, I just happened to check and see WHO has been visiting my website and saw quite a few hits from one site.........http://www.hobbycandele.com. You can go to my unfinished site at ofci.biz and see MY picture on the top right!!They stoled the picture of my green and white carved candle off of my site! I do NOT know spanish and need someone to assist me in getting them to take the picture completely off of their site and to read to me if they are trying to claim this as one of THEIR candles or what have you.

Thanks so much and God Bless,


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I cant fully assume but I sure cant find WHERE to send a email myself! LOL I did post a comment but I do not want to leave just a comment and do want to contact them directly and need assistance in finding WHERE to do so! I also can not find any translation buttons or such on their site! I also do not want to assume that they can read/understand english because they might not and my picture will not be removed!

Thanks and God Bless,


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Yes, it is Italian and I didnt realize that till I tried to use online translators to figure out what is what! Good news is that they are using my picture to show an example of as they put it............. In this video below shows quite well early sculpture of candles.

Questo tipo di candele, ancora poco diffuse da noi, sono piuttosto utilizzate negli USA e sono particolarmente decorative, qui di seguito ho messo le immagini di alcuni esempi molto elaborati.

This type of candles, yet little-used by us, are quite used in the USA and are particularly decorative, here I put the pictures of some very elaborate examples.

Per farle è necessario essere provvisti di grandi spazi, diverse pentole di cera tenuta a bollore di colori diversi e spazio per appendere ad asciugare e sgocciolare.

For them it is necessary to be fitted with large spaces, several pots of boiling wax seal a different color and space to hang to dry and draining.

Non è sempre semplice, quindi, realizzare questo tipo di candele.

It is not always easy, then, to realize this type of candles.

Sorry about the mess in there but that is how it translated for me! LOL I still do not want them to use my candle pictures as it is pulling my bandwidth!

Thanks for your help and God Bless,


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i looked for the pic your were talking about but couldn't find it.

I read your comment although, the only way I could see it was in html and I could not tell if it was in english or if it was in italian, either way, I'm pretty sure that they will figure it out somehow. They should have at least asked and provided a link to your site.

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Copy and Paste this. Exact thing you have posted except in italian.

Richiedo che lei tolga subito la MIA immagine del MIO lit tagliato la candela su verde e bianca dal suo sito web! Lei non ha che il permesso per usare qualunque delle mie immagini dal mio sito web secondo il leggi/nota di copyright sul mio luogo! Per favore di togliere qualunque e tutto il riferimento alla mia immagine subito! RingraziarLa

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Thank you so much for the email addy!! Here is the proper page with my picture! http://www.hobbycandele.com/?p=15# Thanks again! They have pulled almost a thousand MB of bandwidth this month alone!!!! Thank God for being able to check web stats!! I have got to put a stop to this!

God Bless,


Are they hotlinking?

I'd suggest removing that picture immediately if that is the case.

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If they are linking, then write over the top of the photo that "this photo is being stolen from "insert website here". Make sure you keep the name of the photo the same. As soon as that comes up on their site, it will go poof. I always die laughing when I see that on the internet. The best way to stop them dead in their tracks.

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Thank you again so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have attempted to contact them via the emails you both so kindly provided and have reposted my comment in italian...........thanks for the translation!! I had 364 hits yesturday alone.........it would have been nice if my site was able to take orders and they werent just looking at my pictures! LOL At least they were complimenting me..........I know, I jumped the gun before I knew what was being said but still, dont steal my pictures from my site without asking! I have EASY contact info and had they explained what they wanted, I could have allowed them to have a copy of the picture......after I watermarked it that is. Its a matter of principle and MY bandwidth! LOL

Again, thank you so much for all of your help!!

God Bless,


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Did anyone notice that these container instructions are from the CT site of Basic Instructions? I dont know Italian BUT I do know these pics!!:angry2:

cliccare sulle immagini per ingrandirle).barattolo02.jpgPulire e asciugare bene il barattolo che si andrà ad usare, non devono assolutamente esserci porzioni unte o bagnate che comprometterebbero inevitabilmente il lavoro. Posizionare lo stoppino in modo che esca almeno di 3-4 cm rispetto al bordo del barattolo..barattolo03.jpgTenere in posizione lo stoppino fermandolo con una molletta da bucato o una pinza, come nella foto..barattolo05.jpgFondere la cera e aggiungere il colorante e la profumazione. Se non sapete come fare, potete consultare la nostra Ricetta base per candele in cera. Versare la cera ancora calda facendo attenzione a mantenere lo stoppino in posizione. Riempire, come nella foto, fino quasi all’orlo, senza colmare completamente. Lasciare asciugare, ci vogliono circa 6 ore..barattolo04.jpgPuò capitare che la cera, una volta solidificata, si ritiri un po’ specialmente nel mezzo, in prossimità dello stoppino. Basta rabboccare con altra cera, eventualmente riscaldata nuovamente. Non versate cera tiepida, altrimenti resta il segno del rabbocco, una linea antiestetica. Volendo potete chiudere con un altro colore o con una tonalità più chiara dello stesso, per vivacizzare la composizione.

Quando sarà completamente asciutta e fredda, tagliare lo stoppino a circa 1 cm, in ogni caso al di sotto dell’apertura del barattolo. Chiudere e decorare.

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Hello all, I just saw this thread or I'd help before.

The site is italian, if Lynn do you want me to help you in some way just ask.

I don't think they are fraudolent on purpose, because they also have a tutorail on rustics but they are quoting and thanking Alan at Peak Candle Supplies.

So, if you need a hand I'm here, just ask!

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Problem is they took instruction from here and posted on that site they do not have permission to do that


Those are Alan's pictures and are the property of CT and Alan

They wrote "Recipe made with the collaboration of Alan Wallace, from Peak Candle Supplies".

Now if you want me to write to them asking if they have permissions, or if you already know they don't have permissions and ask to remove pics and tutorials just let me know, Alan can write me two lines if he wants and I'll translate into english.

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Copy and Paste this. Exact thing you have posted except in italian.

Richiedo che lei tolga subito la MIA immagine del MIO lit tagliato la candela su verde e bianca dal suo sito web! Lei non ha che il permesso per usare qualunque delle mie immagini dal mio sito web secondo il leggi/nota di copyright sul mio luogo! Per favore di togliere qualunque e tutto il riferimento alla mia immagine subito! RingraziarLa

Please never use automatic translators. I'm ROTFL by reading this.

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Are they hotlinking?

I'd suggest removing that picture immediately if that is the case.

That's right, just change the name of your photo. You can also upload another photo saying "this is stolen" using the original name (what Di in AZ suggested) or a photo of something else (like somebody's backside, ha ha). I did a check on the domain and it appears to be hosted by godaddy.com. If you wish, you could contact godaddy with your complaint, they might be able to put a stop to it faster than waiting for the person to respond to you.
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They wrote "Recipe made with the collaboration of Alan Wallace, from Peak Candle Supplies".

Now if you want me to write to them asking if they have permissions, or if you already know they don't have permissions and ask to remove pics and tutorials just let me know, Alan can write me two lines if he wants and I'll translate into english.

Basically they are not tell the truth. Alan did the basic instruction here all by himself there was no collaboration but truthfully this is up to Alan I did send him a PM to let him know the pictures where taken and basically all his hard work in making those sections.

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Basically they are not tell the truth. Alan did the basic instruction here all by himself there was no collaboration but truthfully this is up to Alan I did send him a PM to let him know the pictures where taken and basically all his hard work in making those sections.

Vicky I want to make clear that I'm not justifying them I only saw that quote, so if they don't have any permissions it's right to tell them to remove the tutorials.

I'm sorry it's happening with an italian site, and I can say it's just a brand new site, in all my web surfing I never found it before.

Sorry everyone, if I could I'd go in person to tell them to stop.

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