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Wavy, Tilted Rustics w/o Benefit of Class


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This is what happens when you wick your molds, melt, color and scent your wax and then find out the class is next Sunday. LOL

Thought I'd try waves and use my notes for rustic. Goes to show that I need the class. Have no idea what you would call these. Will give me a chance to test wicks. Also trying another everlasting with a thicker glass tea light holder.


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Trying Christina's molds for a palm everlasting. Usually do these in a 3" pillar. Wanted to test if a smaller diameter around the glass tea light cup also works. If this works I will do some in green for Christmas. Picture leaves a lot to be desired. Sorry about that.


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You folks are too kind. I needed Christina to come over and video what I did. I was running back and forth to the computer to look at Scented's instructions. Ended up with something not really wavy and not really rustic. Now to get to the hard part - wicking. I need a partner. I make and she wicks. LOL

Ginger, I have 1 plug. I use it, a fishing wt. and a socket thingy for a socket wrench to hold down the tea light cup. I really like the plug cause I don't have to worry about centering. The socket thing works well also.

Off to do see if these wicks work. The list of wicks that don't work is getting longer. I do OK for up to 3 hrs. But run into problems after 4 hrs. Does everyone wick pillars for marathon burns of 6 hrs? I figured that is what I should end up with. A pillar that works for up to a 6 hr burn for those customers that just don't read instructions. Starting to look like a lost cause.

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Good grief, Sharyl. First you have me laughing myself silly over your "where's the class" post. Then I come over here expecting to see mystery candles that need identification. Damn! You have my address if you don't like them. I think they are gorgeous!!!

Wish I could help you with your wicking. I generally wick for a 4-5 hour burn. I've had several that went 6 hours without blowing out, but I have warning labels and printed instructions that say to burn 3 hours. If I get a good burn at 4 hours I'm happy.

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