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Online class! Wow

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this sounds like such a neat idea, but I'm so confused about it. LOL (doesn't take much, trust me)

I am a very slow reader, and my pouring room is 4 rooms away from the computer, so I just can't picture being able to do this during "class" time. KWIM? Is this something that has to be done during "class time" or will the instructions be posted afterwards? How is this going to work?

I'm so very confused!! LOL

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You can do it with the group so you can ask questions and so forth but after the class is over, the lesson will be archived for future reference.

Just to be clear here. It will not disapear you will be able to see it at any time but only during class will you be able to ask and get questions answered.

That does not mean you can not ask questions about it here in the regular boards later.

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You can do it with the group so you can ask questions and so forth but after the class is over, the lesson will be archived for future reference.

Just to be clear here. It will not disapear you will be able to see it at any time but only during class will you be able to ask and get questions answered.

That does not mean you can not ask questions about it here in the regular boards later.

Okay, that does clear a lot up. Thanks so much Vicky! :)

And I meant to add, What a GREAT idea! I love the idea of the live question/answer part of it.

I may just join in - slow reader/learner and all! LOL

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this sounds like such a neat idea, but I'm so confused about it. LOL (doesn't take much, trust me)

I am a very slow reader, and my pouring room is 4 rooms away from the computer, so I just can't picture being able to do this during "class" time. KWIM? Is this something that has to be done during "class time" or will the instructions be posted afterwards? How is this going to work?

I'm so very confused!! LOL

You have to figure, also, that since this is a layered candle, there will be some down time in between layers to get to your computer to ask questions if you choose to actually participate in real time :)

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