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I am headed towards doing my first show-at my house with another friend who does jewlery-in time for the holidays

I was planning on inviting primarily people we knew so was thinking it could be a cash show and checks from close friends.

Then I was thinking it would be nice to take credit cards. I sell stuff on ebay and half.com and have a paypal account. I also have invoiced things not listed on those sights and emailed them to people and had them pay. Via email.

Is there a way to use, say paypal, and as someone is standing there-make an invoice for whatever items and atomatically enter there credit card in and have it clear and such-without invoicing it and sending it to there email and having them retrieve the email and pay and stuff?

I am not set up with a credit card machine and do not think it is necessary or feasible-but do not want to lose sales based on not taking credit cards-since that is what people use!!

I love paypal!

And if i did use a system like this for those who desired-would it be reasonable to charge like 50 cents or 1.00 or something since paypal takes a little off the top? ?Just tell them in advance?


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PayPal is different from PayPalPro, which is their merchant account. With PayPalPro (PPP) you would have access to their virtual terminal. As long as you have a computer with internet access, you can have it process everything right then and there.

This is the info you'll need from your customers...

Name on Card

Billing Address

City, State, Zip

Full Card Number

Expiration Date

CVV2 (3 digit code on the back)

If any of this is incorrect, it will decline the card. If you don't process on site and just collect this info, make sure to get phone number and e-mail to follow up if necessary.

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I did this for a short time and after paying the fees to offer to accept credit cards, TWO people paid with credit cards the whole holiday season I was accepting them. When I do house parties--for me I usually take about 80% cash, 20% checks. I don't bother even doing the credit cards anymore, but that is just my experience, I know it is probably different for others.

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It's against the law to add a credit card fee.

pfft .. technically I suppose if you tried to actually call it a Credit Card Fee, but that's easily circumvented.

Raise your prices by $1.00 and offer a "Discount for Cash" of $1.00. Accomplishes the same goal


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It's against the law to add a credit card fee.

??? Then why does the local Taco Bell add $1.00 for Credit/Debit use?? if it isn't legal how are they able to do it w/o being prosecuted. Why do the local gas stations charge a fee for credit cards, like Arco they charge $1 to use plastic, most 76 stations here charge an extra $.10 for each gallon of gas. How are they able to get away with it! Little mom & pop shops have little signs at the register, $.50-$1.50 fee for credit/debit purchases.

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??? Then why does the local Taco Bell add $1.00 for Credit/Debit use?? if it isn't legal how are they able to do it w/o being prosecuted. Why do the local gas stations charge a fee for credit cards, like Arco they charge $1 to use plastic, most 76 stations here charge an extra $.10 for each gallon of gas. How are they able to get away with it! Little mom & pop shops have little signs at the register, $.50-$1.50 fee for credit/debit purchases.

Probably because a lot of people don't know you aren't supposed to do it. If a complaint is filed with MC/VISA they can stop their ability from taking credit cards.

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??? Then why does the local Taco Bell add $1.00 for Credit/Debit use?? if it isn't legal how are they able to do it w/o being prosecuted. Why do the local gas stations charge a fee for credit cards, like Arco they charge $1 to use plastic, most 76 stations here charge an extra $.10 for each gallon of gas. How are they able to get away with it! Little mom & pop shops have little signs at the register, $.50-$1.50 fee for credit/debit purchases.

Because the visa company doesn't have the manpower to check on each and every outlet that accepts their card. That's why so many places get away with it. There are at least 2 shops here which practice this, charging 35-50 cents extra for cc payment. I don't think the average consumer is aware they're not supposed to do this, neither does anyone bother to lodge a complaint with the visa company. I know for me, I would not know where to begin if I wanted to complain about these shops. Plus it's not very nice to complain if they're mom & pop shops trying to make a living. I don't want to see such shops going away, there are already getting fewer and fewer.

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I use ProPay and can process the CC's over my cell phone from shows. I also have a manual swiper that I use at home shows. I just get as much info as possible, name, address, phone #, driver's license, etc. Just in case there is a decline. I've gotten quite a bit of credit card sales since I started accepting them and people tend to buy more too when they can charge it.

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I did this for a short time and after paying the fees to offer to accept credit cards, TWO people paid with credit cards the whole holiday season I was accepting them. When I do house parties--for me I usually take about 80% cash, 20% checks. I don't bother even doing the credit cards anymore, but that is just my experience, I know it is probably different for others.

Probably because once you mention "home show" the tendency is to think that there won't be a credit card terminal. It's probably useful for those who buy so much they run out of cash and want to buy more though!

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??? Then why does the local Taco Bell add $1.00 for Credit/Debit use?? if it isn't legal how are they able to do it w/o being prosecuted. Why do the local gas stations charge a fee for credit cards, like Arco they charge $1 to use plastic, most 76 stations here charge an extra $.10 for each gallon of gas. How are they able to get away with it! Little mom & pop shops have little signs at the register, $.50-$1.50 fee for credit/debit purchases.

I always wondered why a few gas stations up here say "use your credit card at no extra charge" I always thought duh there is no extra fee for using your credit card anywhere. At least I have never come across it. Unless you use debit with cash back at a store, and that is only if your bank is charging the fee not the merchant.

Just chalk it up to the cost of doing business. Alot of people don't carry cash anymore myself included.

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I always wondered why a few gas stations up here say "use your credit card at no extra charge" I always thought duh there is no extra fee for using your credit card anywhere.
Yeah, now you know. When I first used Arco, I thought I was getting my gas cheaper. Then after the $1 surcharge, it was actually more expensive per gallon than if I had just gone to Shell.
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pfft .. technically I suppose if you tried to actually call it a Credit Card Fee, but that's easily circumvented.

Raise your prices by $1.00 and offer a "Discount for Cash" of $1.00. Accomplishes the same goal


Nice marketing approach :D

I LIKE cash sales . . no paper trails for IRS

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It's not against any law as long as the consumer agrees to it...that's why ARCO clearly states that it will be charged and is it ok? and you have to enter yes. So basically, you're giving them the authority to charge it...nothing illegal there. Arco is so big that they would have been caught by now if it wasn't legal. You need to put it in writing and have them sign your copy of the receipt.

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You need to put it in writing and have them sign your copy of the receipt.
Really? So it's okay as long as it's in writing? Because all the stores I've been to which have this surcharge, do have a note taped to their cash register (or other prominent location) saying something like "50 cent transaction fee for credit card purchases".
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Really? So it's okay as long as it's in writing? Because all the stores I've been to which have this surcharge, do have a note taped to their cash register (or other prominent location) saying something like "50 cent transaction fee for credit card purchases".

Those stores that have a note posted, should be adding the charge to the receipt prior to your signing it. It is no different than a handling charge. Call it whatever you want, but be sure that your state allows such charges. In CA we checked with a law firm we have access to and it's absolutely legal as long as the customer agrees to it electronically...or signs the slip with it on there.

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Those stores that have a note posted, should be adding the charge to the receipt prior to your signing it. It is no different than a handling charge. Call it whatever you want, but be sure that your state allows such charges. In CA we checked with a law firm we have access to and it's absolutely legal as long as the customer agrees to it electronically...or signs the slip with it on there.

Thanks for the clarification. It's likely my state allows such charges, or else the stores wouldn't be doing it so boldly. But for me, even if it's perfectly legal, I won't do it, because I find it objectionable having to pay this extra fee, and so I wouldn't want to assess it on anyone either. I feel that cc fees are part and parcel of the cost of doing business and should be absorbed by the seller, especially since it's well known that people tend to buy more (or even buy at all) when credit cards are accepted.

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Yah, I hate the fact that some places I go to tack on that transaction fee!

That being said, wouldn't that fee be tax deductable for a business? It seems to me it's a business expense and therefore one should be able to write it off as such??

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Yah, I hate the fact that some places I go to tack on that transaction fee!

That being said, wouldn't that fee be tax deductable for a business? It seems to me it's a business expense and therefore one should be able to write it off as such??

Michi, yes those fees are tax deductible. But then even if you tack on an extra fee, you'd still get to deduct it.

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Michi, yes those fees are tax deductible. But then even if you tack on an extra fee, you'd still get to deduct it.

So, in other words, those merchants that add a "fee" make double? Or am I reading it wrong?

i could never figure out why people always say they're adding this fee or that fee into their retail price, when I thought most all of business expenses are tax deductable?? ie. shipping costs, cc fees, etc.

Of course I haven't done any of this yet, so I may be clueless. LOL

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Michi, when you deduct the cc fee on a transaction on your tax form, say 50 cents, it doesn't mean you've saved 50 cents in taxes. All the expenses will reduce your income and bump down your tax bill, but it isn't the same as money earned, more like not so much money lost. So those merchants aren't really making double, but it's still unfair because they charge you more to offset the fees, yet they are still able to deduct it on their taxes.

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