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For those who make candles only...


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I bought a sample of BC's lotion base. I added some Blackberry Freesia FO and I LOVE it. It isn't greasy at all and that Fo smells wonderful. Also, it was really easy to make. With this base, you don't have to add anything but FO to it. Not sure about other bases, b/c BC is the only one I have tried.

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I bought a sample of BC's lotion base. I added some Blackberry Freesia FO and I LOVE it. It isn't greasy at all and that Fo smells wonderful. Also, it was really easy to make. With this base, you don't have to add anything but FO to it. Not sure about other bases, b/c BC is the only one I have tried.

Thanks Angela...I am going to have to try this. It may be easier than trying to order from someone else. I will keep you posted!

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I did only make candles! I did not put soap or b&b in baskets. Now I am expanding with soap. Lotion is next! It is a disease I am telling you. It is like a virus. A really bad infection that won't go away!

I don't think there's an immunization for it either! I've got the disease, too!:shocked2:

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You can get some great bases at WSP and NG. I do warn you though!! before you start dumping FO into bases!! !Please make sure you check if your FO is b&b safe. Some FO are not safe for skin products, some do not react well in chemical reactions etc.

Every supplier I have ordered Fo from lists if they are safe for applications other than candles....which brings me to a question....

I have noticed on Peak that some FO say soap safe, while others say b&b safe, is there a huge difference? I know the reference to soap may be how it reacts for trace, but is something that is soap safe not b&b safe or vice versa?

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