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rrd 40 smoking !!!

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I am currently trying out RRD 40 wick for my votives. They do good in my ecosoy PB. The only problem I have is when I put the wick out, it smokes terrribly. Is there a wick that is compared to the RRD 40's that does not smoke( lx, htp..etc)

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I don't know..it gives a good melt pool in about 2 1/2 hours...it is the only wick that I have tested that I get a good pelt pool..( I have tested RRD 34, htp 83, cd 5, lx 14) in the ecosoya pb...and the RRD 34, isn't hot enough and the HTP 83 does ok, but no real melt pool after 3 hours..so I don't know.. I am trying to stay with the cotton wicks, because I guess that is what most people like right? but I am afraid I may have to try out some zincs in this wax...

What do you suggest I try..I am all ears..

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If the only problem is that it smokes when you put it out, then instead of blowing it out, just take something like a paper clip or even a fork and dip the wick into the melted wax pool and pull it back up straight. No smoke!!


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If you have an LX-14 or 16 I'd try that!

Also consider mixing 75% pillar with 25% container. The container drops the melt point of the wax a few degrees and you can use a smaller wick. Since votives are suposed to be lit in a holder close to the votive side adding container wax should not cause any problems!


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I agree that a RRD 40 sounds very large for a votive. I don't think zinc is going to work for you with a pillar wax. I think the perfered method of putting a candle out is to dip the wick into the melted wax then pull it back out after the flame is extinguished. Blowing the flame out always produces soot for me.

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the web site says lx14...well I know that does not work with ecosoya PB wax....it does ok with the 4794 wax I used but not soy...

there really is not smoking with the rrd 40 wick until I put it out with this wax...Should it be smoking while burning if it is too big? The HTP 83 works ok as well, is that too big? I don't know I am just having a hard time wicking the eco PB wax with anything other than that wick..I think I just need to go back with the 4794 paraffin wax...

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NatureWax V1 and C3 are such different waxes! The C3 is great, while the V1 is tempermental. The P1 is also tempermental... NatureWax has information sheets for all their waxes available from their website... here are their instructions for V1:

Handling and Melting of Votive Wax (V-1)

Step One: Melting of Wax – The wax should be heated to a temperature of 160 to 200°F to melt the wax up. Do not heat the wax above 200°F. If Wax is held at higher temperatures for long periods of time it will discolor. Always use a thermometer when melting the wax and never leave your heated wax unattended. While the wax is melting stir the wax regularly to reduce localized heating of the oil. This will help to reduce burning of the wax while heating.

Step Two: Adding of other ingredients – Other additives or ingredients may be added at any time to help improve the performance of the wax.

Step Three: Adding Candle Scent and Dye – The Fragrances and Dyes can be added to the wax after the wax is completely liquid. Make sure to stir the wax completely to ensure that the fragrances and dyes are completely mixed in.

Step Four: Preparing the Wax for Pouring - After wax has been completely melted reduce the heat on the wax so that the wax cools to a temperature of 145 to 165°F. This will reduce cracking and discoloration of the wax after it has cooled.

Step Five: Pouring Candles – Make sure that the mold is at room or slightly warmer before pouring the wax into the mold. The wax should be poured in the mold while the wax is 145 to 165°F to reduce cracking and speed up the cure time of the wax.

Note: The addition of 5 to 10 % Stearic Acid will improve the performance of the Wax.

Wick Recommendations:

Candle Size / Recommendations

Votives /Atkins & Pearce/Wicks Unlimited: HTP 52, 62, 73, 83, 104, and 105

Heinz: CD 12 & 14

We use CDN 8s for our V1 votives. HTH :)

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NatureWax V1 and C3 are such different waxes! The C3 is great, while the V1 is tempermental. The P1 is also tempermental... NatureWax has information sheets for all their waxes available from their website... here are their instructions for V1:

We use CDN 8s for our V1 votives. HTH :)

I tried the instructions to the t & I still get heavy frosting,,,oh well I guess

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