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Presto Pot Question~HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A couple of weeks ago I purchased a presto pot with valve here on the classies..I just went to use it today and I thought all I had to do was make sure melted wax was over the inside valve and just turn the handle and wax would come out...well I turned the handle and nothing came out...am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated....

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I haven't got one myself (as much as I would kill for one!!) but don't you have to wait for the wax to get hot enough to melt the wax inside the spigot thingy?? Can't you blast the tap with a heat gun breifly to free up the blockage - if thats the problem???


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A couple of weeks ago I purchased a presto pot with valve here on the classies..I just went to use it today and I thought all I had to do was make sure melted wax was over the inside valve and just turn the handle and wax would come out...well I turned the handle and nothing came out...am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated....

It sounds like your valve is clogged. If the wax is all hot and nothing came out I would empty the pot and clean out that valve. I would guess that it's clogged with cooler wax and the hot wax isn't enough to push it through. If you have a long tool of some sort to get in there and move the wax out that might work, but be careful when the hot wax comes pouring through.. actually~ that's a dumb idea, don't do it. Just empty the pot (sorry a pita i know) and then try to get in there and unclog it.

IF it's clogged, this is a perfect example of why you need to be careful to make sure all of your wax is out of the valve before you put your pot away. I hate my valves and never use them.

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It sounds like your valve is clogged. If the wax is all hot and nothing came out I would empty the pot and clean out that valve. I would guess that it's clogged with cooler wax and the hot wax isn't enough to push it through. If you have a long tool of some sort to get in there and move the wax out that might work, but be careful when the hot wax comes pouring through.. actually~ that's a dumb idea, don't do it. Just empty the pot (sorry a pita i know) and then try to get in there and unclog it.

Do you have to do this everytime you use these pots then?


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Do you have to do this everytime you use these pots then?


You have to be careful about wax getting left in the valve yes. I used to turn my pot in such a way that every drop of wax would come out before I put it away after use. Also a good reason to not mix color in the presto pot.. if any DOES get clogged in there, what you make the next round won't end up with a bit of the previous color in it if the new wax happens to unclog it. Did that make sense? sounded a little confusing even in my head..

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You have to be careful about wax getting left in the valve yes. I used to turn my pot in such a way that every drop of wax would come out before I put it away after use. Also a good reason to not mix color in the presto pot.. if any DOES get clogged in there, what you make the next round won't end up with a bit of the previous color in it if the new wax happens to unclog it. Did that make sense? sounded a little confusing even in my head..

Perfect sense LOL!

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Don't know how long you let the wax cook before opening the valve, but you've got to let it get hot enough to melt the wax inside the valve too. What may be happening is that the melted wax may be starting into the valve and because the valve isn't hot yet, it may be setting up in the valve, clogging it temporarily. Try a heat gun on the valve itself to see if wax has set up inside.


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quick question for a newbie.... In your presto, if you don't have a spigot then how are using to take the wax out of the presto without making a mess?

Are you using a larger measuring cup or just using the pouring pot and putting it in the presto to get the wax and then pour them into the containers?


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What is the spigot made of? Is it Brass or steel.

I made my spigot setup myself, and used brass. Usually, by the time the wax is hot in the pot, the valve is hot also, and the wax flows.

Sometimes, if i'm using pillar wax, which is the only time I use my small pots, the wax in the spigot is not melted when I'm ready to pour. I sometimes use the heat gun, and sometimes I push a small skewer through, while holding a pot under the spigot. A few drops will flow, then as more wax flows, the clog is gone, and the wax flows freely. I do not recommend this last method-there is a potential for a real mess.

If your spigot is not brass, I suggest you change it. Brass will absorb the heat of the pot faster than steel or stainless steel.


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quick question for a newbie.... In your presto, if you don't have a spigot then how are using to take the wax out of the presto without making a mess?

Are you using a larger measuring cup or just using the pouring pot and putting it in the presto to get the wax and then pour them into the containers?


You can ladle it out, and be sure the container you put it into has been warmed up or your wax will cool too quickly (learned that one the hard way!)

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