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Very Interesting!

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Thanks Top & Brad, I know I eat (or did eat) a lot of things that were bad for me, but since I'm on diet and trying to eat more healthy now I hope I have extended my expected lifespan a little.

I knew about the veggies being coated with wax, and that washing with plain water doesn't even phase it, so I guess I've consumed several candles worth of paraffin so far and I'm still here. I have to admit I didn't know gum had paraffin. Good grief at the wax I've ingested in my long life.;)

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THANKS so MUCH for sharing this information and the links. Although I work with non-paraffin waxes, I am sick to DEATH of the DISinformation I have read in this bogus controversy. There is as much "spin" and "100% all-natural" BULL surrounding "natural" wax candles as there is anywhere else - perhaps more.

The "natural" everything market trend has really boomed with plenty of companies subscribing to this kind of hype! What a shame on them! It is a deceptive advertising/marketing practice used to manipulate customers into thinking that somehow a "natural" product is more pure, more hypoallergenic, more wholesome, more safe, or mo' better. To learn the facts about a product, whether natural or unnatural or from off-planet, people need to research reliable sources, not pay attention to hearsay or rumour and THINK about where they are getting those facts from... the SOYBEAN farmers? The International Petroleum Industry? Gee, they don't have vested interests in deceiving us about their products, do they?:rolleyes2

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I agree with top. The entire article is filled with quite shocking inaccuracies, and cannot be relied on as being written by anyone qualified - the only reason the article is there is because someone submitted it to wikipedia and wikipedia is basically a community driven encyclopedia which ANYONE can go and edit whether they are experts or not.

Top is right in saying that the only real authority on what is and isn't fact or fiction about waxes and candles should be written by a chemist after extensive testing where the results are made public for all to see.

I'm neither pro soy or pro paraffin - i love both these waxes so please don't assume that I'm writing this in defence of any particular wax.

Personally - i find this article to be a tad pro-paraffin and anti-soy? but thats just my opinion.

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As far as the validity of Wikipedia, everyone knows their articles are just submitted; however, they do back up some of the article with the patent information, that is proven and it does not mean the information is inaccurate. Most things I have seen on Wikipedia ARE accurate.

The same people who foolishly believe all the lies about soy will have quite the time explaining why their lies are believable but Wikipedia is not. Most of what Wikipedia has said, is backed up at the EPA. I don't see the soy lies being backed by the EPA--anywhere.

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Thanks for the links. Finally the truth is told. So far only 2 people say it's a bunch of crap. I think the rest of the paraffin bashers are eating crow right now or at least feeling as stupid as they are for believing it.

I didn't say it was a bunch of crap, I'm simply stating that not everything on Wikipedia can be considered the gospel truth seeing as it can be edited by anyone with a computer. I just agreed with Top that this matter really needs to be settled by strigent laboratory-run tests by qualified chemists if the war between paraffin and soy bashers is ever going to be concluded!

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The EPA has run tests and printed results. The problem is that people just claim to not believe it, the same way people will claim to not believe that which was posted on Wikipedia. You can do all the tests you want but some people always shove their heads in the sand when it comes to hearing what they don't want to hear--even when it is the truth. I have been posting about that report on here for ages and here people are surprised to read that on Wikipedia. The information is there, it is that people DON'T want to know. It takes away the gist of the soy/paraffin argument.

Personally, they both have good and bad qualities. People should work off that instead of creating outright lies to scare people into buying candles.

Funny thing is that just the other day at a ball game, one of my customers came up and ordered from me and the lady next to me said she wanted to know if I did paraffin or soy, so I thought here we go again. Well surprise, she said she wanted to find paraffin candles because she had heard bad things about soy. I told her she must be confused, paraffin candles are the ones that always get the bad rap. She said that she did not like soy because they did not burn very well and it was definitely paraffin she wanted. I told her the good/bad about both soy and paraffin (the truth) and told her it was a personal preference. It was a nice conversation talking with someone who did not believe all that nonsense. I think there will always be a place for both paraffin AND soy.

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............I just agreed with Top that this matter really needs to be settled by strigent laboratory-run tests by qualified chemists if the war between paraffin and soy bashers is ever going to be concluded!

That is not what Top said.

Are you challenging the EPA's findings?

Seemed pretty conclusive to me.

Doesn't really matter, the war IS over.

The manufacturing giants have laid down their arms.

Hail, Para/Soy, the great peacemaker!

IGI's website has been scrubbed clean of ill feeling. The only evidence of their accusatory statements directed towards vegetable wax manufacturers and their proponents can only be seen now by going to the Web Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20060411081923/http://www.igiwax.com/wax_faq.shtml

What is the amount of soy wax that has to be in the mix to *legally* call it soy, 30%? Guess that was one that the soy guys gave up.

In light of their new found alliance, and with true facts becoming evident, I would imagine that they are none too pleased and embarrassed by the constant regurgitation of false information being parroted by the wax bashing group. Doesn't matter that THEY were the very ones that put it out there...

Could cease and desist notices be coming to their mailboxes soon? :grin2:

Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone.

If your time to you

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin'.

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I'm wondering why those with websites, including some who have posted to this thread, still have soy myths posted on their sites. Anybody have any ideals about that?


Ideals, LMAO. SliverOfWax, they are still in denial and believe a soy candle will sell no matter what. Funny, people tell me they hate soy candles, but so many claims on here they sell so well. But how much can we really know about anyone on here and how 'successful" they are? Having a website proves nothing. That may be all they have.

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bloody hell. you can simply FEEL the antagonism bubbling under this post - I can literally see people poised at their computer waiting to pounce and trounce anything that may be slightly different to their opinion, and shoot down anyone who doesn't agree with them. I won't be posting on this thread again as I'm too busy sellotaping on the strips that I had tore off me.

And now those who can sniff out the merest hint of a fight have turned up and added their two scents worth, so I think it's best I leave you all to it!

Have fun.

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bloody hell. you can simply FEEL the antagonism bubbling under this post - I can literally see people poised at their computer waiting to pounce and trounce anything that may be slightly different to their opinion, and shoot down anyone who doesn't agree with them. I won't be posting on this thread again as I'm too busy sellotaping on the strips that I had tore off me.

And now those who can sniff out the merest hint of a fight have turned up and added their two scents worth, so I think it's best I leave you all to it!

Have fun.

A little touchy today? Don't let these people get under your skin. Not good for overall health.

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Interesting, but Wikipedia isn't exactly the greatest source of information. They aren't really a university studying the waxes. These articles come from individuals with personal opinions, as well. I know this well, as I used to look up stuff when I was taking history courses in college. A lot of it is misinformation or slanted...

Be that as it may, I still love soy and will continue to make them and burn them, even sell them. I don't claim my candles are 100% natural. I just prefer the way they smell, burn, etcetera. And I do believe that they burn longer and better, by the way. Just my opinion about my candles... don't know about anyone elses' yet, but I've ordered a soy candle from a competitor on ebay last week and hopefully, I'll have an opinion on that one soon. :)

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Why does it have to be all one way or not at all? I use to sell both soy and paraffin candles. I prefer paraffin for my use but I wanted to able to offer a few soy only candles for those that were interested in that. I didn't knock one type of wax to get sales for the other. JMO but I think it is pretty sad when a competitor has to resort to bashing another person's product to sell their own. There seems to be good reasons to use both type of waxes and whatever works for you is your choice. I just have a problem with the people that sell the soy as being "all natural" and use scare tactics by saying paraffin will make you seriously ill all just sell their products. There is room in the market place for both soy and paraffin candles. Can't we all just get along?:grin2::wink2:

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As far as the validity of Wikipedia, everyone knows their articles are just submitted; however, they do back up some of the article with the patent information, that is proven and it does not mean the information is inaccurate. Most things I have seen on Wikipedia ARE accurate.

I have always respected Wikipedia simply because anyone can contribute. I'd much rather read an article on Wikipedia and/or other sources and then make up my own mind rather than being spoon fed by mega-conglomerate sources which tailor "fact" reporting according to local populations or who is throwing advertising dollars at them.

Honestly, it did seem a bit on the soy-bashing side IMO, but that is what is great about Wikipedia, if one feels parts of the article are inaccurate - fix them and cite your sources!


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