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I'm designing new labels for my products. I don't use dyes and want color on my labels. What I had been doing is changing the border color of each of my labels depending on the scent (Red & White = Strawberry Cheesecake, etc). But it's annoying to have to change my labels so much!

So here it is: (only what's in the circle is the label)


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Your labels are fine, but I think you may want to go back and reword some things on your website under the 'why soy' page. Also you state your candles are a 100% soywax but then you admit you use a small amount of beeswax, so aren't customers going to feel deceived by this? You are telling them they are one thing then admitting they are another on a different page. Just something I noticed as I was going through your site that you have posted in your signature.

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Your labels look really, really nice. ("Perfectly" is misspelled though.)

Whoopsy! That's an easy fix though! Thanks, I may have kept missing that forever... sometimes my mind throws in letters so I see them there when they really aren't! :)

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Your labels are fine, but I think you may want to go back and reword some things on your website under the 'why soy' page. Also you state your candles are a 100% soywax but then you admit you use a small amount of beeswax, so aren't customers going to feel deceived by this? You are telling them they are one thing then admitting they are another on a different page. Just something I noticed as I was going through your site that you have posted in your signature.

Well this isn't a review of my website... I've actually avoided doing that here so I didn't start a paraffin/soy war. This is taken from my website,

"Our container candles are not blends, they are made using 100% soy wax and a little dash of beeswax (another all natural wax) to make a slightly longer lasting candle."

My candles are made USING 100% soy wax (not a blend) mixed with a bit of beeswax. I made sure to always use "USING" 100% soy wax but if I have somewhere where I do not word it correctly let me know via PM because I can't find it. I just don't want to have to explain on every page why I add a dash of beeswax, so I believe that wording I've choosen shouldn't make anyone feel deceived. It is possible that I missed the word "using" somewhere though.

Thanks for your comments, but please let's keep this on topic. I couldn't handle reviews/comments on my website, I built the whole thing from scratch and it took forever, and I would take it too personally! LOL! And some people here (not saying you were) can be pretty harsh IMHO even though I know they are only trying to be helpful, I just can't put myself through that. ;)

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Well, then I suppose maybe you shouldn't advertise it in your signature..you put it out there with having this in your siggy....

"It's Here! www.StarShineCompany.com" So of course people are going to look and that's what stood out to me...

By stating on your candle pages that your candles are made 'using' 100% soy that is what I would expect to get in that candle, but you are actually adding bw to it so you aren't disclosing the fact there is something else in there. Now you disclose this info on your 'why soy' page, but how many people will actually go looking at that page when they just want to buy candles? It just stood out to me since you sorta 'ripped' other candlemakers who use a blend but don't disclose that fact and call it a pure soy candle...seems kinda the same way to me! That 'why soy' page just really rubbed me the wrong way with your statements, seems a bit 'bashy' towards other candlemakers and that to me isn't professional! Oh well, this is just my opinion..take if for what its worth!

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Well tender as the subject is, did you know it takes paraffin to make soy? While your labels are nice, I hope your information reflects truth and not the commercialized spittle that's out there. Same goes for how you promote your product ... and if you aren't using pure soy, don't advertise it as such. Nothing wrong with soy & beeswax ... you won't upset the nature lovers, just the soy myth.

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It's fine people can look all they want but they don't need to comment about it on a unrelated thread. If they wanted to discuss something PM would be the best way to go about it, that way threads stay on topic.

You are welcome to your opinion, however, I am happy with my wording. I am happy with it and have no intention of changing it. I really wish we could stay on topic here... if you want to discuss this further please send me a PM. Also, I AM disclosing the fact that I use beeswax even though I use less than 1%. And I don't "rip", as you call it, anyone who uses all vegetable wax blends. I do not call mine a PURE soy candle.

I am sorry you were rubbed the wrong way but this is NOT the place for you to "rip" into me. Can we please stay on topic? I do not want this to turn into yet another soy/paraffin war... because neither side is going to change the others mind. I don't think it's very good etiquette to change the subject on someone's thread to something completely unrelated. My signature, doesn't say "Here is my website, please tell me what you think in random threads!".


Anyone else have any comments or suggestions on my LABELS??

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Well tender as the subject is, did you know it takes paraffin to make soy? While your labels are nice, I hope your information reflects truth and not the commercialized spittle that's out there. Same goes for how you promote your product ... and if you aren't using pure soy, don't advertise it as such. Nothing wrong with soy & beeswax ... you won't upset the nature lovers, just the soy myth.

OMG... this is getting out of hand. Please stay on topic. There is nothing wrong with soy, beeswax or paraffin. I CHOOSE not to use paraffin for the reasons stated on my site. We use OIL to make everything. I don't say my products are all natural or anything like that. I stand by what's on my site as being honest and accurate as far as MY candles are concerned.

I have NEVER advertised as using PURE SOY. My candles ARE MADE using 100% Soy. Sigh.

I'm totally done with this arguement if you, or anyone else has comments on my website, PM me. I have not requested any reviews or comments on my website, and especially in a totally unrelated thread. This is ridiculous.

I just can't believe this.

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Geez, settle down!!! Go ahead and leave your site the way you want it, I was just pointing out what prospective buyers might think, but hey, yep its your site, say what ever you want....did you read what scented added here?? You may want to think about that! So ya, get all hyper about it, you asked for comments about your labels...here's one...they look fine if that's the look your going for! How's that?! Now take down your website addy so other people won't go look at it and make any comments about it in YOUR thread that you started about your labels asking for advice...get it, label=products=selling=website..ya, its all related!

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Well now I understand why customers are so panicked to buy from anyone. They get lied to about a product and immediately become suspicious of all. Thanks for giving me something to add about what people should look for when buying candles.

Omitting is a sin, but then that's kind of like feeding your enemy rat poison and saying oh yeah I forgot to tell you.

Candlemakers, soy users, paraffin users and palm and the like come here to learn and the bulk try to impress on the ignornant to gain more knowledge. My post certainly didn't attack you as I may have liked about the soy-para stuff. My point, which you MISSED, was WHY keep your ingredients from the public? Geesh what's so wrong about beeswax that a soy person has to use it in secret? Beeswax is like the purest form of wax when should get you many groupies, but I guess that's besides the point.

As for your sight, your lead indicates that people's skin should crawl because of paraffin and where it comes from while omitting a lot of things to suit your promotional needs.

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I am not hiding the fact I use beeswax.

I am selling soy candles so yes I am going to market them as such and be as honest in doing so as I possibly can.

I am here at the message boards to learn, share what I've learned, etc. not to make enemies. I appreciate your opinions (both of you) but this thread is not about my website!

Most things manufactured can eventually be led back to crude oil, but I'm not giving a history lesson, I'm trying to sell my products which I am very proud of.

I felt attacked whether or not that was your intention that is how I perceived it. However, if that was not your intention, fine, but can we please, keep this on topic?

If you have further comments/suggestions on my website PM me. This is not the right place for that and I would greatly appreciate it if we could stay on topic, following message board etiquette.

Thank you.


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