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Soap making, does it stink ;)


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I'm thinking of starting making soaps and it would be the melt and pour variety.

As a child we lived near a soap factory, and boy did it stink!! Think that was animal by-products.

So, guess the question is, with modern advancement would it stink my kitchen out? :embarasse

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no, in fact, you house will never smell better with all those lovely soaps hanging around.

Since you are doing M&P, you don't have to worry about overheating your animal fats. When you DO decide to advance to CP or HP soaping (and you probably WILL) just remember to just gently heat your fats and you should be ok.

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I agree with jbren, curing soap is a great room freshener. And when you are making it, your house will only smell like the scent you are using.

I have a small curing rack in my closet, and it even makes my clothes smell good.

Even if you CP, you don't have to use animal ingredients, I've never used any.

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MP doesn't stink unless you scorch it. :embarasse Ask me how I know! LOL I don't think CP stinks at all! My husband thinks I am crazy, but I love the smell of the warm soap oils in the pot! They have a slightly sweet smell to them. (and yes, I use lard too....no piggy smell but I always use the refrigerated kind. that may make a difference, not sure) MP is just a "gateway drug". Before you know it, you will be a CP addict too! (But you will have the best-smelling house in town! ;) ) Best of luck to ya!

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You know, I have read this, but have never experienced the ammonia smell with goats milk. I make nearly all my soaps fresh GM totally frozen. The only time I've gotten the ammonia smell is when I am dissolving lye in ammonia. I have a pretty good sniffer too and used to wait for the bad smell - but no probs so far!


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You know, I have read this, but have never experienced the ammonia smell with goats milk. I make nearly all my soaps fresh GM totally frozen. The only time I've gotten the ammonia smell is when I am dissolving lye in ammonia. I have a pretty good sniffer too and used to wait for the bad smell - but no probs so far!


I shouldn't have spoken so soon, LOL! Today I soaped a big batch at a higher percentage of lye 100% goats milk and the smell was there a little - HUH!


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