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** What's in your holiday pot this week/end? **

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Happy Easter if you celebrate! Anyone going to get in any chandling/soaping/creating this weekend?

For me now it's the remainder of the lip balms I need to do - tangerine, vanilla, chocolate - then labeling and getting all my tent stuff together. I've got 500 soaps to label, about 300 lip balms to shrink wrap, and a bunch of other things to label. Wish my printer luck :)

What's up at your place this weekend?

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I'm pouring totally out of season -- have a steady refill customer that only burns Spiced Pumpkin year round! Also a special order for Vanilla Sandalwood. I don't have it on hand so I'll be mixing Asian Sandalwood w/ Vanilla & hoping to get a close dupe to the Yankee she's hooked on.


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well I'd like to try my soy pillar blend (only got enough paraffin left for maybe one pillar :( ) omg, its like losing an old friend when it nearly disappears lol.

I'm going to tootle off and find out just what I can do with soy pillar blend as regards effects and things.

Also got some soy container left to have a play with.

I quite fancy making some kind of big strawberry type sundae in a jar, but will see how its goes.


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I actually just got done pouring soy candles to test!:grin2: Then who knows for Easter? Prolly hit a buffet...all my family live in Florida! Have a great Easter everyone and good luck to all those who are testing and playing!!! And to those who are resting! ENJOY!!!!!! :yay: Kimmeroo

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Hopefully going to get some chuck candles going tomorrow after making a big Easter breakfast for everyone in my family. And maybe some lip balm (I just got some of the oval tubes and thought I'd give them whirl)

I am just so wiped after two days of decorating a million cakes ok maybe not a million but it sure felt like it LOL. I'm a cake decorator by day and candle maker by night!

Happy Easter Everyone!


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