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Yay! Wholesale Accounts Ahoy!


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Just lately, I seem to have a ton of people calling me for wholesale orders so I've been providing quote after quote and then just crossing my fingers and hoping they come through. Well they did!

Account 1 - tealights and votives approx $1,000 per month

Account 2 - tealights and votives, Chakra colours approx $800 per month

Account 3 - jar candles, votives and tealights - first order value of $5,000

Account 4 - candle tins $500 per month

At last, I may be able to start paying off all the loans I took out to get this business going. These accounts won't do it on their own but I'm finally beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel - and who knows, perhaps in one year's time I'll be able to get some sort of salary!!!

Account 3 is looking very promising, I will be supply ALL their candles under their own trade-marked name and their "test order" is worth $5,000 on its own!

Yay me. Sorry for blowing my own trumpet but I'm super excited.


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and you know what's wierd? I JUST got another phone call from someone enquiring about wholesale prices and they're emailing me tomorrow with a list of stuff they want.

Whilst wholesaling is exciting, I'd rather it be "real" customers so I get a decent profit for my hard work - but beggars can't be choosers and I'll take whatever business I can get.

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Congrats, hope ypu get the orders.

Got some questions...

Can you produce that volume, in what amount of time do the customers want their candles?

Here in the US most wholesale accounts pay 30-60-90 days after invoice. Is it like that over there and are you able to produce candles first then waite on you money?

I have yet to try wholesale, right now I can't produce fast enough and need my money up front before I can pour large wholesale orders. I have bills to pay just like everyone else.

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Hi Candle Man,

With all these orders, they are paying up-front. Having discussed it with them, I told them that whilst I do keep large quantities of supplies - I can't afford to use it all fulfilling their orders and risk not having the right container or wick for when an actual customer makes and order online. They have all agreed to pay up front which will give me the money I need to buy the supplies. I said to them also, that if our relationship developed into a steady number of candles ordered per month, I would be able to budget better when I bought supplies, so I could perhaps move to a 30 day invoice system at a later date.

I thought that was the best way really - and none of them disagreed with me. They know I'm a small business, and its "hand-made" they want so they have all said that they understand that it'll take a little longer to pour - in fact on one account, I gave a 3 week delivery time and they were perfectly happy with that.

I'm definately not going to be able to handle all this work on my own, but luckily I have 3 or 4 people who work for me as and when I need them - they are all "stay at home mums" who don't want a full time job, but are happy to get "expenses" when I need help. I am a sole trader so am not allowed to "employ" people, but I can pay their expenses etc.

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