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Are Daystar FO's any good?


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I've been looking at Daystar oils recently for soy candles, but I can see that they are one of the most expensive oil suppliers around. They are consistently at least $2 to $4 more per pound than other places, like Peaks for example - and Peak's oils are very good.

I have to ask this simply because I'm in the UK. If I spend $28 on a 16oz bottle of fragrance, and then another $10 to ship it here - that makes my 16oz bottle of oil cost a total of $38 - so I want it to be GOOD otherwise it's an expensive waste.

BTW...why ARE daystar oils so expensive anyway?? I've never seen prices as high as $30 a pound on any other oil supplier's website??

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FYI--Just got an email today that as of April 1, 2007 her supplier is raising her prices 10%, so if you like her stuff--get it now. I use her blackberry jam butter cookie FO in my 50/50 blend and it's a great throw at 4%. As much as I like her stuff I can't incorporate the increase of her already high prices.

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oh. well that really prices me out of all their oils then. It's a shame, I stock about 4,000 ounces at any one time so I do buy a lot, but with prices that high (and about to get higher) I just can't justify that cost into an already competitively priced candle.

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Got the same email, so order quickly if you're going to. Course I should have added to my order and would have had I gotten the message sooner lol.

As for high prices, there are places that are higher ;) Many appear to be heavy on essential oils is my thought.

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anyone got a sample of blackberry jam butter cookies that they can send me? I'll see if my manufacturer can make me a copy to save me having to pay shipping to the UK. I'll only need a wee bit - about 1oz? Can pay for it plus shipping!


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I have just started testing Daystar oils in CB135 and have found so far that I only need to use 7% for a great hot throw. Many suppliers FO's you need to add more than 7% in soy. I weigh out the cost and % of FO I need to add for a great hot throw.

Most of the oils I am testing are in the $16.95-$18.95 price range. Also she does ship USPS which makes up some of the cost because many suppliers only ship UPS.

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I'm sad, but will also be phasing out the pricier scents. :cry2: Most were already too much over my max allowed FO cost and I've been taking a hit since there are no or very small sale discounts, but 10% plus the cost of shipping definitely puts them out of reach.

If cost isn't an object, I would highly recommend DS oils, but if it is :undecided

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I know you take a chance when posting on a forum where the owner is a member but since this forum isn't directly associated with DS I hope it is ok to state my opinion.

I have used several of the FO's from DS in the past. At the time I was testing soy wax and as with any FO's in soy some were great others didn't test that well. I really liked DS FO's in B&B. They have some unique scents that I would be interested in but once I calculated how much I would have to sell my products for to make up for the high cost, it wasn't worth it. If you check DS site there are some VERY expensive oils. I believe one that I was interested in was 56.95 for an 8oz bottle and that was before the latest price increase. Plus I have to figure in shipping cost for my expenses. If I were making a product just for myself maybe(and that is a big maybe)I might spend that much for something that was my favorite and would last a very long time but I couldn't sell my products at a competitive price using oils that expensive.

DS seems to be a good company but this is just my opinion. Last summer I believe there was an email sent stating there would be a price increase due to a Surfuel charge increase. Within a few days after that email was sent there was a headline story right on the front page of MSN concerning companies disguising product increases and claiming it is a surfuel charge. Several days after the article DS sent an email stating they weren't going to raise their prices. I figured that was just temporary! I wish her good luck because she does have some good products and seems to be a very nice person but the FO's are too expensive for me.

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I don't sell candles so when I buy any fo I have a hard time justifying the costs for a hobby. I too love daystar's fo's and would probably do as suggested by purple hippie...and choose a favorite just for my own pleasure.

but...my gosh...the people here that make up candle tech are so amazingly talented. The attention to detail and how far you go to make sure your customers experience is second to none is just out of this world hard to find in the regular market.

I don't understand why you guys can't create a line for daystar or other more expensive fo provider's oils where it would be profitable for you?

You could call it "hollywood line" or something. lol

People who can afford high dollar candles would buy them? Look at the candles that are selling at some of the fine department stores.

If you gave your customer a choice, wouldn't that work?

I know that (even though I'm not "rich") I would splurge for that perfect gift or even to pamper myself. So even though I don't have a bunch of disposable income, I'd buy a pricer candle to enjoy every once in a while.

That way your not taking a hit? And are still able to order from these places and enjoy the pouring and sniffing of these wonderful oils!

Sorry for rambling again...

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That is a good suggestion but I think it really depends on your customer base,the area that you sell, and what prices are the products for your main competion. I for one could not sell a candle or any other type of product where the FO cost me 60.00 for 8oz. I live in a small city and I have to keep in mind that most customers aren't going to spend a fortune for a candle. If they normally shop at Macy's, Nordstroms... they aren't usually the type of customer that shops the handcrafted product market, at least not where I live. I agree with PH, there are 1-2 of the Daystar fragrance oils that I really like for myself and would hate to do without but with a price increase I am just going to order enough for myself and cross off the other fragrances from my line.

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That is a good suggestion but I think it really depends on your customer base,the area that you sell, and what prices are the products for your main competion.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. You're totally right-it would depend on your customer base and market. Wow, I feel really bad for you guys. I'm sure it's very disappointing.

I've always believed you get what you pay for.

If you go to a bar...you can drink what's in the well or you can have what's on the back bar. But even thinking in those terms, for a bar owner...it would still depend on your customer base..market..economy, etc etc. Thanks for that understanding.

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Slam me if you must, but she's justified in raising her costs for the simple fact that costs to her are going up. We're going to feel that crunch not just in our FO suppliers, but on down the line into many other areas because everything's going to go up (probably never to decrease again) give the instability of fuel costs for starters.

It's unfortunate we can't have stability and haven't had since what ... 9-11.

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Yes, I understand that costs will go up. But where do you draw the line? I am not saying DS only by any means. Just suppliers in general. Personally I think that it all rolls down hill so if they get charged a little and so on and so on.

But if this continues to happen NO ONE will buy the products from the middle man anymore. A little greed from the top of they pyramid hurts everyone and will unfortunately put some out of business all the way around!

I don't know about you but I am sick of hearing about all the terrible things that happened as an excuse for price increases. I don't see a notation from Uline or companies of that nature saying they have to raise the price of there boxes because of Hurricanes and fuel surcharges. Just a thought, but when they run low on trees I guess I will get a memo stating as much.

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Well, it probably was ligitimate for her, she seems to run a very reputable company with good quality. I just meant that there have been several consumer report articles mentioning that surfuel charges being used as an excuse to raise the cost of products. I guess the bigger issue is if the cost of the products in general are worth the added expense if you are selling the products that you make with them. For me the cost is too high for the market area I am in.

This is just an example: there was an FO that I was interested in and it averaged out to about 5.00 an ounce. That means if I used 1oz of FO per lb a 16oz container candle would start off costing me 5.00 just in the FO alone, add in the cost of the container, the wick, the wax, the labels plus factor in shipping charges for the supplies, my time...I am not saying that the quality may not be excellent, like someone mentioned above it just isn't cost effective. I wouldn't be able to offer products in the price range of the competiors in my market

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It is most definitely legit, I have received letters and emails from suppliers and manufacturers about price increases. IFT for example sent me a letter not too long ago, stating all oils will be going up 10%. It is just the way it is, and hurricanes and weather most definitely effect the crops! Last year I heard from three suppliers that thier oils that contained grapefruit or anything citrus were through the roof. I think several of these suppliers tried to absorb the costs, but many have increased their prices. You just can't blame them, they have to make a living, too.

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I don't think she is doing this unnecessarily, it's just one of those things that if you like her stuff, get it now before the increase. Hell, look at the rise in gas prices within the last month. This is a sign of our times. In the example of Daystar, I can't take the Blackberry Jam Butter cookies off my line, so I absorb the 10%, because I sell the crap out of it. It means maybe not adding another supplier or cutting a not-so-great selling scent off my list. I'd rather pay the difference for Daystar then waste my money with another supplier that truly sucks. I'm revamping my scent selection anyway, and if I raise my prices 10% it won't be so noticeable--my prices were relatively low to start with because I took into consideration inflation and the state of our economy.

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Jordan, I am pretty sure we have different reps for IFT but the only thing that was said to me was about the citrus crops period and it is said every single year time and time again because of the if they get frost = less citrus, no crazy weather = no price increase.

However this increase will only affect you if you are using a scent with a citrus EO in it .Not 10% price hike across the board for every single scent... Nope sorry, no one said anything to me and just placed an order with my IFT rep Thursday, I know her well enough of years of doing business that she would fill me in, especially since she sent me new oils to approve, she would have told me to get an order together before the price increase.

When did you get this memo?

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