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I want to start making hurricane candles. I am a stay at home mom and I need a little extra money on the side. Maybe $200 a month. Do you think this is possible? I have the money to get started with.

She might have meant this...I saw it posted down the list a ways...

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If you are willing to learn and experiment.....we who have been doing candles for a long time have had to spend lots of money and lots of time perfecting our candles....and the learning never stops. They are so many considerations....like weather....wax suppliers.....etc.....

But....on the other hand it is a lot of fun. Buy some hurricane wax and make one. That's what I did 12 years ago. I used a Morton Salt Box and wax from Safeway......wasn't what you would call a good product....but it taught me the way to do it. Then I ordered real candle wax and molds and my little hobby that was a Farmer's Market good seller....became a full time business. So...in answer to your questions. I think it is Yes....go for it. Make some candles and see if you like to do it first. There are so many kinds of hurricanes you can do that I am sure you can find some that will sell in your area. I just moved from Virginia ....big on Dogwood Blossoms and Monticello.....now I am in Lake Tahoe....I plan to make hurricanes with a picture of a bear embedded.....I already know that the tourists will buy them. They buy anything "bear"......so make something for your area. Good luck. Donita Louise

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Guest inkbeet

I'd get you a couple molds and a case of wax. If you have the patience you can try it over and over until you have it mastered. To keep your experimental costs down, you can melt down your mess-ups and reuse the wax.

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Hi, I'm thinking of doing the same thing. However, I had an email this morning from a member on this board, who helped me realise just how much is involved.

for now I'm just going to buy what I can afford, some moulds, wax etc. and practice practice practice.

There so much to take into consideration just making them, with different waxes, different wicks, FO's etc.

Bit of a daunting task now, but I'm going for it, 'cos I enjoy making them. The preparation, the thought that has to go into it and most of all, using my imagination :)

Good luck xx

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Hi Yvette

I just found a couple of aluminium moulds I don't use - if you want them send me an email and I'll post them off to you. They're nothing special but might be good for you to use while you're learning? Will email you incase you don't get this message.


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Hurricanes are fun to make and everybody thinks they are wonderful, but in my area they do not sell. I live out in the boonies in Vermont. I sell mostly to hotel and hospital gift shops. Everybody is looking for something they can resell for under $10. Needless to say I sell a lot of votives and small containers. I have done some great pillars, novelties and hurricanes; I usually end of giving them as gifts. I did a couple of craft fairs last year and sold mostly votives and 3" balls. My advice is know your area. If you live in a rural area you may want to concintrate on making larger quantities of smaller products. If you live in an urban area hurricanes may work well for you. When I make sales calls to my customers I always bring along a couple of pillars or novelties just in case they are looking for something unique. Basically do some research before you start producing and testing. I is no fun to spend all kinds of money perfecting and testing to get stuck with a lot of product that you can not sell.

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