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2007 craft show rules


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Was finally able to get information on a craft show that we have done in the past and WOW!! Talk about changes.

1. They upped the registration fee. Not a problem.

2. They are now requiring that you be set up by 4 PM the day before the show. Will have to take a day off from the regular job to do this.

3. Once you are set up they will then have a juried process where your fellow competitors will get to decide if you have all hand crafted items.

4. If you do not have all hand crafted items then you are out...reagrdless and NO refund on your registration fee.

The craft show claims that they have had problems in the past with dishonest vendors saying their product is handmade. OK I can understand that but to have your competitors decide if your stuff is hand/homemade????. That is pretty radical if you ask me.

I was just wondering if anybody else has seen these types of rules or IS THIS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE?? :confused:


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This process may actually benefit you although it sounds like a pain in the butt. I know in many of our local craft shows the products are supposed to be handcrafted but there are many booths of Home Interior, Party Lite candles etc. Never could figure out how they considered them to be handcrafted or why they were there in the first place.

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Was finally able to get information on a craft show that we have done in the past and WOW!! Talk about changes.

1. They upped the registration fee. Not a problem.

2. They are now requiring that you be set up by 4 PM the day before the show. Will have to take a day off from the regular job to do this.

3. Once you are set up they will then have a juried process where your fellow competitors will get to decide if you have all hand crafted items.

4. If you do not have all hand crafted items then you are out...reagrdless and NO refund on your registration fee.

The craft show claims that they have had problems in the past with dishonest vendors saying their product is handmade. OK I can understand that but to have your competitors decide if your stuff is hand/homemade????. That is pretty radical if you ask me.

I was just wondering if anybody else has seen these types of rules or IS THIS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE?? :confused:


I have done many, many shows. I find the rule change quite silly.

1) No problem. Everything is going up in price.

2) Being set-up at 4pm one day prior to the show is silly. I hope the building is secure and they have insurance in case someone gets ripped off. I know that all shows that I have done have a check-in time but being required to set-up a day prior to the show is stupid.

3) Tell them to get off of their butts and do it the way it should be dealt with. There should be a committee or a board that oversees this. MOST shows (if they are juried or have requirments) will have you submit pictures with your application not jury you when you are ALREADY set-up and done by competitors.

4) I like this one! I wish they were all that way!

I hope it brings you in a lot of money for the hassel you have to go through!


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I have done many, many shows. I find the rule change quite silly.

1) No problem. Everything is going up in price.

2) Being set-up at 4pm one day prior to the show is silly. I hope the building is secure and they have insurance in case someone gets ripped off. I know that all shows that I have done have a check-in time but being required to set-up a day prior to the show is stupid.

3) Tell them to get off of their butts and do it the way it should be dealt with. There should be a committee or a board that oversees this. MOST shows (if they are juried or have requirments) will have you submit pictures with your application not jury you when you are ALREADY set-up and done by competitors.

4) I like this one! I wish they were all that way!

I hope it brings you in a lot of money for the hassel you have to go through!


3. Yes I agree that it should help us on the juried part but what really is dissapointing is that we DO have to submit pictures prior to even getting accepted and give them a complete list of what we will be vending.

I plan on having the list ready when they do check and ever so watching with untrustful eyes.

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Yes I see that and I am not attending this year..and I love this show. I do not see it as profitable to take off work on Friday..drive there set up drive home..we do not stay overnight and if we did this would be another expense..not to mention the raise in fee. I do have all handcrafted stuff and truly never saw a problem at this show??? We have several return customers every year at this show :( But I am unwilling to jump through their hoops!

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I wonder how much they have been able to trust that the submitted pictures are of the same and are the only things they will bring. Kwim? A person could send in pics of some obviously handmade stuff, but then once there set up their booth - add a bunch of extra additional fluff stuff that is not home made... and have done this just to get in knowing the old rules. Does this happen too often perhaps? Also maybe they feel that fellow crafters know more about how to tell or what to look for/recognize in a non handmade product that is claiming to be so. Doesn't excuse them from doing their own work and research and having some basic knowledge, but could this be a reason for the new rule? Problem with that is, they are trusting the other crafters to hold themselves to the highest standards of 'sportsmanship'. I'd be very curious to know how this works out for you and if there is an 'appeal process', lol- jic you do end up with petty judges. And does that mean you can't sell warmers that you didn't mold, fire, glaze and hook up with an electric cord yourself?!

Please keep us posted. :smiley2:

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Yes I see that and I am not attending this year..and I love this show. I do not see it as profitable to take off work on Friday..drive there set up drive home..we do not stay overnight and if we did this would be another expense..not to mention the raise in fee. I do have all handcrafted stuff and truly never saw a problem at this show??? We have several return customers every year at this show :( But I am unwilling to jump through their hoops!

that is kinda how I feel too. Glad I am not the only one that saw this. I wonder how much this would hurt the show because as soon as the word gets out...crafters from all over the place will give it a bad name...and the attendance will suffer too due to people realizing that the selection is not there because the truly honest vendors will say screw it.


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At a large juried show that I do every year, they were having problem with wood crafter saying that they stuff was all origional but you wouls see the same snowman cutout time and time again, just pained differently by each crafter. They were getting wholesale wooden unpained stuff, painting it and then saying they made it and someone copied their work.

Well last year, the committee got smart and asked wood crafter to not only submit pics of the crafts but of the patterns of the cutouts as well. Guess that stopped many of them in their tracks because two dozen or so of them were rejected after they couldn't submit a patteren. Their stuff was wholsale. They all went to the same place too, which was completely stupid in my thinking. But over all it improved the sales for those who actually DO have their own handmade crafts. JMO


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Hey Mon,

You gotta leave the tent to see it lol. J/K!! Last year there were folks in the row behind us who had some problems with vendors basically fibbing that their stuff was handcrafted when it wasn't. I can't say who these people were, but I think there were three or four on the row behind us.

Now the crime in shows is the one we've done the last two years that bumped their fees to $100 for shade for a day on an uneven slope. Nope, we won't be attending.

I just view what their doing at this coming show as an added security step to even see if it works. Yeah, Rockin has already said I sound too accepting of the rule changes. It will be interesting to note what happens during this show. For what we carry, it would be hard to prove that we bought them from China and are reselling them. I just think it will be most interesting this go around to see how this helps or doesn't. You know, that means no Mia Beastella can be sold or Home Interiors and we run into them plenty.

I guess I'm curious, and in a positive way, interested to see how this will work. I imagine the three vendors who went off on Chad last spring may be appeased by these rules till someone picks on their wares. Chad really did take a beating at that show last spring that we called him over to thank him for approving us. The show was fine for us and I thought he needed to hear something good after the ripping he had taken.

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Interesting rules.. guess you're supposed to setup then walk around and jury other vendors. Honestly, I don't think that is my responsibility. I got enough to do to get setup most of the time.. last thing I want to do when done is walk around and pass judgement on others. I don't like the stuff that isn't handmade at shows I do either.. but that is what you are paying your fee for-to have the promoters enforce the quality of the show if they clain hand made. Seems like an invitation for a bunch of petty squabbleing if you ask me.

A polite letter to the promoter expressing that you are glad they are concerned about stuff that is getting into their shows that isn't hand made. But explain the difficulty getting off work, and what you see happening to the show over time if word gets out how much this is a PITA. Suggest ways they can do the jurrying themselves.. ask for pics of work in progress, patterns, photo of shop. And include in your packet a sheet where you can file a complaint against another vendor that gets through all that that must be handed in before the show starts. Then the promoters can check out that vendor themselves and ask them to leave saying it is based on multiple complaints from others. But, if your promoters are not the honest type, I see it as a way they can collect the money knowing they will be able to kick out a vendor because of other vendor complaints. I do not see this as a good thing....

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I actually prefer setting up the night before, but 4:00 is a bit early. The shows I did last year, maybe 3 of them "gently urged" setup the night before but it was from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. As for having other crafters view your work for handmade quality, let them. You are confident in your work, nothing to worry about really. I kind of like the idea of other crafters viewing various other products--they are under the same scrutiny as you are.

I'm doing a show that asks that you provide invoices to show your stuff is not made from a kit, etc.

Enjoy the show!

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I think a lot of promoters that do big shows always have some verbage in their contracts that says they have the right to require you to immediately remove any items they deem unsuitable. They also say something about violating the terms of their contract will prevent you from doing future shows with them.

Violations include things such as selling commercial, mass produced items, and even tearing down your booth early.

I was at a "handcrafted" wholesale show where a man was selling 1 oz bottled fragrance oils. He bought them from a supplier already bottled and labeled, and he had a whole wall behind his booth lined with professionally printed cardboard boxes of the stuff.

This show had rules about your booth and how you couldn't have any exposed cardboard boxes (not even for your inventory) or trash, you had do use table skirting, etc. This man was clearly in violation of every rule they had.

I contacted the promoter and complained and she said he lied on his application about what he would be selling. Then I pointed out to her the company's rules about removing items that were in non-compliance with the contract and she offered the excuse "Well, he wasn't have a very good day anyway, but we won't ever have him back again."

So it seems like they didn't have the b*lls to ask him to leave, and maybe your promoter is the same way by allowing other vendors to do their dirty work.

The fact is, we are often better judges of what is handcrafted merchandise anyway. Many promoters are just in the business of renting a hall and taking your money. They may not be crafters themselves.

From all reports I've seen and comments on forums, attendance at craftshows is dropping. When attendance goes down and people stop buying, vendors won't rent space, so the promoter doesn't make as much money. It's easy for a promoter to turn a blind eye toward vendors who may not be exactly what they are looking for, but if they're willing to pay the fee, they will let them in.

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I will be writing a letter..nicely worded of course.

My husband says he bets it also has something to do with getting people to stay the night in town an extra night..eat at their restraurants ect. They are the chamber of commerce!

It is not my fault we were busy and I didnt leave the tent often and when I did..you werent at your booth:p

It is just a hardship to take off an extra day of work and the extra expense..It would really bring down my profit margin.

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Oh I agree about the hardship lol! I left our booth to go to yours most of the time lol!

I told Rob to do the same thing, but since he was as irritated as I was a couple of years ago, I think maybe I should write that letter.

I think Chad will listen. He's been great, IMO. I just think I get why they're doing that. If they had to remove anyone, then I think they would rather do it in front of crafters and not public.

I just know there will be some fine lines most likely crossed and defined for a first experience of it. I don't kno wtha tcrafters want to be judges, but they can point out what isn't homemade and what is in like crafts, I suppose.

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I actually prefer to set up the day/evening before...but I can see not everyone does.

As for the method of peer jurying, I think that is very strange. If the coordinator is unable to determine if products are handmade or imported then they should hire a qualified jury.

I think having a system to filter out imported goods is a must. Unfortunately, this coordinator doesn't seem to be using the best means.


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I was at a Hand crafted show last fall and their was this vendor that had beaded candle holders and they were not hand made and they were taking them out of the boxes that said MADE IN TAIWAN. They were selling them for dirt cheap and had the biggest crowds. People were buying so much from them that they had their hands full of sutff and didn't have a chance to shop from the other vendors. So I can understand these new rules, because it ticked me off that I hand crafted my item and to see them rolling in carts full of these made in taiwan boxes. We reported them but they weren't asked to leave.

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It seems you see it at every show. You get the application. 100% handcrafted items only. Ok, fine. You must list every item you are going to sell. No problem, fine. You see advertisements in the paper and such saying this is a CRAFT show. 100's of booths of handcrafted items....blah blah blah. You think great! Sounds good.

Day of the show. Setting up you notice tables full of Avon, imported trinkets, etc. It feels like you're just spinning your wheels. I'm thinking WTF. Plenty of crafters complain, but nothing is done. At the end of the day you have dozens of p*ssed off crafters.

Next year rolls around. Well, the quality craft people are no longer signing up for the show, because they think, "hey man, why should I go sit there with Avon right next to me?' The show promoters are seeing that they need more money coming in, so now the Home Interior floodgate is lifted.

"Come on in, your money's green, we'll look the other way." Another craft show down the tubes.

In a way letting the other crafters judge what is handmade is good, because they go around and do it anyway. The thing they need to change is that they need to LOWER the fee if they are shifting the responsibility to other crafters. They want it both ways. Sorry, but ummmm no.

Over time, all that is going to be accomplished is that you will rarely see a good old school craft show. There is more and more imported junk slipping thru the cracks all the time. Show promoters want more and more money and now they want us to do their job for them? I don't think so.

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It is good to know I am not the only one feeling this way about these craft shows. I have only been participating in craft shows for 3 years, but even my very first one I felt this way about the "party people". I was like "What are THEY doin' here?" No offense to anyone who is a consultant or whatever, but what does their business have to do with handmade crafts? Seems to me they should stick to home parties. Like I said before, no offense to anyone, it just doesn't seem right. Anyway, around here they are starting to call them something different then craft shows. They are calling them RETAIL SHOPPING EXPERIENCE. At least that name doesn't imply that it is only crafts. It includes everyone, and everything! I myself enjoy the juried shows the best. I am proud of what I do and think they should be juried (if it is a craft show). But...... The registration fees are getting WAY out of hand! Before I send in my hard earned cash, I check to see where the proceeds go. If it goes to a good cause, I don't mind it so much. But it seems like the really expensive ones are the shows that are put on by these companies. This is what they do, go around and collect tons of money from hard working people, so that those hard working people can drive, un-load, set up, sit and sell all day. Then take down, load up, drive home, unload again. And by the time we pay for gas, pay for registration, lunch and all our supplies, we MIGHT have enough for the registration fee for the next show! I think the people that put on these big shows take advantage of us hard working people. The fees are just rediculous. If you count how many vendors are at one of those shows and you know the fee, it adds up to a lot of money. Much, much more than it costs to rent out the Fairgrounds or wherever. They think they have us eating out of the palm of their hands! So usually the people that are making the REAL money at these shows are the food vendors (we all have to eat) and the people putting on the shows. The prices of these shows have doubled since I started 3 years ago. That is crazy! I have set a limit, and do not go to these (even if I want to really bad). Eventually, I hope more and more will refuse to pay these rediculous prices, and they will come down. Sorry so long..:mad:

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I think it's good that they're trying to keep out the junk, but the way they're doing it is bizarre. There are a lot of petty people out there; there is a good possibility of people ganging up on someone else and having them booted out. Also, it is not your responsibility.

IMO, craft shows have gone to the dogs. The fees have skyrocketed, and everyone and his aunt is holding one at their school, church etc. Also, some of them are run by the stupidest people: a fair at a local school charged $150 for a table at their 2-day, 10-5 show. This was unadvertised; they didn't even put a sign on the school lawn, or send a note home with the kids. Yet when I questioned the fees, I was told that the shows in Halifax have even higher fees. Well guess what: they have a much larger population base (ours is about 7000), and they ADVERTISE!

I've done very few craft fairs, but the last big one I did was over-run by junk. It wasn't just the ugly imported stuff, I swear that some people paid the $450 to have a yard sale. There were also, I think, 7 large or biggish fairs in the city that weekend. That's way too many. I think that it would be a really good thing if there were less of them, and the quality definitely needs improving. And I still think that asking the craftspeople to jury is ridiculous.

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Every show I did last year I carefully selected because they were advertised as handcrafted items only. They were also juried and required me to send in pix of my handcrafted products, my booth, etc.

Not a single one ended up with hand crafted items only! Not ONE!

Not only that-- but when I mentioned to customers that my candles and soaps were all handmade many of them were surprised and didn't realise that I actually MADE them myself at a 'handcrafted' show! Unbelievable!

I need to do these shows to get my product and company name out there. I also need the money. So I will continue to go to them. But I am as discouraged as many of you are.

It really is unfair that we have to go along with the requirements, pay the fees, and follow the rules-- and others just don't and show up anyway! Grrr......:mad:

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My husband says he bets it also has something to do with getting people to stay the night in town an extra night..eat at their restraurants ect. They are the chamber of commerce!

I think the CofC show coordinators plan on going home at five.

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