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AC/DC Back in Black


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A little retro for you.

So... I was dipping my wick last night and I thought of Tanya... Tanya's twisted tapers of yester-year to be more specific and figured it was time to give them a try.

Since I was standing over 500 lbs of hot wax and a 40 gallon trash can of cold water I also made a water candle. Been along time since I messed with water and wax and the black doesn't show up good in pictures but it looks cool in person. Nothing that I can/would sell, but it was a fun way to waste 15 minutes or so. I had never made a full water candle before, I have poured hot wax in water and made pieces, but not castle type ones where you can burn a candle inside them. Used the lid off of a 3 gallon popcorn tin to start with and just layered and layered the wax dunking in water as I do. I left the lid on the bottom but the wax would come right out if I ever wanted to try to sell them. No way you could ship them suckers, must have hundreds of tips. The pictures of them in the dark with a candle burning inside look wild.






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Oh BRUCE! Those are WICKEDLY wonderful! The taper is to die for! And your watercandle - WOW!!:drool: I have not attempted anything with water yet, but that "castle" might just tip me right over the edge! Facinating!

No matter what, it's always great to just have fun and see what happens, isn't it?:yay:

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Bruce....I love the black taper. I haven't made any water candles since I moved to California......I though mine were crazy but you've got mine beat. They are fun to play with....you can just keep changing them until you have a 20 pound candle. I actually sold some small ones last year at the mall. I had them in a box so people could just carry them out. No way could you ship them. Thanks for sharing your genius. Donita

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Bru those are really cool!!!

I have to try something like that I wouldn't do a castle, maybe a little apartment :grin2:

And even if I'm a little younger (I was born in 1974) I love AC/DC and Back in Black sounds wonderful while looking at your candles.

You're tha master!!

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Honestly, I have to agree with CindyM, glad you are NOT selling those things.

It is pretty "out there" isn't it. Oh well, this was just my stress relief and goes back in the vat of wax for melt down anyway. I figured I would post a few stranger things and maybe spark some creativity in here. Hey, you can see normal candles anywhere right?

The clear wax one I made looks better then the black one. Like a huge hurricane candle. Would be cool to paint the tips on the clear one. See I'm already getting new ideas!

Thanks everyone, it was fun doing them. The taper is in meltdown right now...it fell off the printer because of PEOPLE WALKING TOO HEAVY. Damn, I dont know if Im raising kids or saskwach. LOL


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