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My first Feather Palm Pillars


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So last night I did it! I tried my first round of Feather Palm.

The two together was my first try. They are scented Cranberry Spice. The pics are a bit light as they are deeper in real life.

The second is scented Mullberry and is a deeper shade of berry. I like the patterns that came out on this one.

I have right now cooling a 5 inch tall one that is 2 color layered 1/2 Mullberry and 1/2 Blueberry Cobbler with a deep blue. I can't wait to get it out of the mold and see if that one worked.

The wicks are not trimmed so excuse them please. I trim them right before I burn.

Overall I'm thrilled these came out! Tomorrow I'll be making dark green ones with Xmas Tree scent for xmas pressies. Also waiting for my bayberry wax to make tapers. I'll post those if they come out. :)

Thanks for all the advice!





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So last night I did it! I tried my first round of Feather Palm.

The two together was my first try. They are scented Cranberry Spice. The pics are a bit light as they are deeper in real life.

The second is scented Mullberry and is a deeper shade of berry. I like the patterns that came out on this one.

I have right now cooling a 5 inch tall one that is 2 color layered 1/2 Mullberry and 1/2 Blueberry Cobbler with a deep blue. I can't wait to get it out of the mold and see if that one worked.

The wicks are not trimmed so excuse them please. I trim them right before I burn.

Overall I'm thrilled these came out! Tomorrow I'll be making dark green ones with Xmas Tree scent for xmas pressies. Also waiting for my bayberry wax to make tapers. I'll post those if they come out. :)

Thanks for all the advice!






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Ilona, those are beautiful and what a nice, rich color! WHat palm wax are you using? That's a nice, stable crystal pattern you have going on there... What was your pour temp?

And, candleman is right - just like any candle that's overwicked, has an uncentered wick or not properly turned - palm can blow out a side and make a real mess! Because when palm blows, it really FLOWS, we recommend placing it on a large plate or in a flat-bottomed bowl. Guess how we found out? :o:D

Can hardly wait to see your layered ones! AND the bayberry tapers! Maybe next year, I'll get some bayberry wax...:tongue2:

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Those are beautiful.. love the look and the color.

I really like the shape of the pillars on top - where did you get your molds? The couple I have, dont make a nice edge like that...

I'd also like to know where you got your molds..i love that top & cant find any anywhere.

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Hi Everyone!

santa big

Sorry it took me a bit to reply as I am pouring all my soy container xmas presents. I think I've lost my sense of smell. Any tips for candlenose?

Anyway I got the molds at BCN. They are the seamless molds. if the link works...


I have not burned them yet. I will do test burns tomorrow and I know about blow outs :o so I plan to have a go in an aluminum pan to try out.

I have one wicked with the RRD 47 and the other with a hemp 1400 that I may or may not test depending how the 47 does. If the 47 is too big I'll go down from there.

I got this batch of wax from BCN and have another 5lb bag from candlewic en route to try and see how they compare.

As for temps and such...

I have an alarm thermometer and I heat the molds in the oven (lowest temp I turn oven on for 5 min and then let it cool. That makes it warm but not hot). I take off double broiler at 201 and pour immediately. Then I put them in the oven (it is off, but still around 110F) to cool. This insulates the candles and slows the cooling. I read that I could put a towel around it, but I have kids (7 and 8) that I do not want to accidentally pull the towel and get hot wax burns.

Now where I did not succeed and need advice is with the color layering. What happens is that as the wax cools it contracts away from the edges, even when not fully cool. So when I do the 2nd color pour it seeps down the sides and looks yucky. Any ideas?


Yes I plan to do 50/50 soy and bayberry. I'm just waiting on the arrival of the wax. I'm excited. I'll post pix of them when I get them done.

I'll also try to get some pix of the burning up here to see how it goes. I'm not giving these as gifts as of now until I have them fully tested, which may take some time. I'm not rushing it as I am a sticler about safety.

Thanks all so much for looking. I'll let you know how the candlewic wax compares to the BCN.

Have a great holiday!!

Ilona santa chee

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