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BCN email responses


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I'm getting a little PO'd... the BCN folks never return my emails. I know it's the busy season but sheesh, a little customer service goes a long way, everyone remember that for their own business'!

Just a quick example, my boyfriend called to order a camera from some company (I'm not sure which) but when he called the person on the other end answered the phone "Hey" and guess what? He didn't order a camera from them.

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The live chat feature is good. I've used that before. But a few days ago, I wanted a response and couldn't wait for live chat to describe the problem (wanted to do it while it was fresh in my head) so I sent an email and never heard back. I wonder if there is some kind of email problem, maybe I'll try a different address since no one else seems to have a problem.

And yeah I could call (sometimes - but other times it's easier for me to write out the situation), but my point has to do with email. If they aren't going to respond via email why put the option on their site?

Maybe I'm just in a foul mood. But it really bugs me they can't respond via email within 5 business days time. Most places say they will respond in 24 hours.

Ok I'm definetly crabby.

Also, I wasn't sure the live chat lady could help since she works in a different state. I'll probably try her tomorrow if I can catch her before the end of the work day. (Can't call from work and work blocks the live chat).

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I've never had a problem with BCN and order from them quite often. I guess things can happen once in a while though.

In fact I just ordered on from them Sunday afternoon and got my order today.

What state are you in???

I placed an order with them on November 21, and still have not recieved it..:cry2: Guess the holiday put everyone behind...

UPS says it is supposed to come tomorrow...:grin2:

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Are you 100% positive your email even got to them? I know there are plenty of times I don't hear back from someone and when I ask them if they ever got the email, they didn't even get it! There is a good chance the email never got to them if they didn't respond. Anyway, as for BCN, I have noticed the couple of times I've emailed them, they have returned my email in the evening, around 5:00 pm or later...HTH...:grin2:

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What state are you in???

I placed an order with them on November 21, and still have not recieved it..:cry2: Guess the holiday put everyone behind...

UPS says it is supposed to come tomorrow...:grin2:

I just happen to be in Wisconsin, so the day after the order ships it is here using the standard shipping.

I've never e-mailed them about products so I'm not sure how they are about that. I have tried to call them once or twice and gotten a voicemail system however.

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I too waited a good bit before getting a response to my e-mail. I sent it on a Friday morning and didn't hear back until the following Tuesday evening. After that, I stuck with the on-line chat which is really, really, good.

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I've had good luck with both live help and emails, but I know with some people I email with, my stuff ends up in their spam folder for some reason. I would call, because even though your server sent the email, their end may not have got it or it could have ended up in the spam folder like things sometimes do. I hope you get your questions answered :grin2:

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I too thought BCN were not repling to my emails, but for some unknown reason they had been going into my junk mail box and i did not realise they were there just thought they were nnot replying. Have you check your junk mail box it could be the same thing

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I too thought BCN were not repling to my emails, but for some unknown reason they had been going into my junk mail box and i did not realise they were there just thought they were nnot replying. Have you check your junk mail box it could be the same thing

Yeah, actually it's the first place I checked. And the first time I emailed, I sent it to the general email for questions and this time I went straight to Doreen, no response either time.

Hopefully I'll be able to catch live chat tomorrow but who knows since I basically have the same working hours they do.

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Live help isn't always the best either. I asked a question on their a couple of weeks ago and after waiting almost 15 minutes with no reply I typed 'HELLO.....ANYBODY STILL THERE' :D

I'm quite happy with them as far as candle supplies though. Since I'm in the same state shipping is excellent, but I do with they would respond. I think "Flicker" (online help lady) probably won't know a whole lot about the B&B products. I may just take my B&B needs elsewhere. I've contacted several other places before and they were always very helpful and quick to respond via email when it came to B&B labeling questions or whatever other product questions.

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You must have fallen thru the cracks somehow, cause that's unusual for BCN. I generally have tons of problems w/ BCS, but things seem to be better there. I ordered 4 boxes of EZ Soy yesterday at 4:30p & it was just delivered. The money hasn't even posted from my account yet, so call me pleasantly surprised! Is there anything we can help with or try to answer?


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Hi Kelly,

I have not received any email from you... can you try re-sending it to Doneen@candlesupply.com? I'll check and see if the office recieved an email from you tomorrow when they open up. I've just cleaned out my spam folder and didn't see any, but it's always possible that I missed one. Sorry for any inconvenience!

If you can email your questions to me I'll be happy to help as soon as I receive it. Flicker on our live chat tech line does know a lot about B&B and can answer any questions you may have about any of our B&B products as well as candle products. She has been making all types of candles, cp soap, B&B products, etc for many years. She does work remotely from another location, but she is there to help you with our products. This time of year she gets swamped and many times has multiple chat sessions and phone calls at the same time, but she's pretty good about getting back to you if you don't catch her on the first try. If you see this tonight and email me I can get back to you right away as I'll be online most of the night. Just let us know what we can help you with :)

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