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Padparadscha and Gold

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I think the soap looks wonderful, great colors, and swirling. But I agree, the name is a little.........hard to pronounce and odd for someone who doesn't know what it means, you don't want someone overlooking this soap because they don't know what the heck padparadscha is and thinking it's some foreign animal part oil or something............:D

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LaVida, you got it right! Soapinthecity, thanks for the suggestion:DI have to leave the Padparadscha part in the title though so that people who know the perfume (it is super popular and highly sought after) can find my site to buy it, the lotion, everything. Keyword positioning to the max! So they know there is a place where they dont have to pay $150+ per bottle:grin2: just to smell yummy!

Thanks everyone for looking!

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Very Pretty!You should be glad you didn't get the deep red color or there might be some bleeding(ugh) when I went deeper with a red oxide it ended up being chunked and set aside for a confetti type creation. Maybe it was just my oxide. My daughter has always loved that gemstone:D

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Well, it may not have come out as red as the bottle, but dang it's pretty close, and the gold swirls are awesome, you used just the right amount of mica for that.

I've never heard of that perfume, but thanks to you I wanna smell it dang it!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, ya gotta keep the name, no matter how long and hard to pronounce it is (hey I got it right the first time-WOW) cuz like you said, it's pretty sought after and you want people to know you're selling a great dupe of it. ;)


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