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Beating my head against a wall


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I do that kind of Gift Certificate on my site, but I might not be the kind of seller you're looking for. You could try this site: www.secretpalsites.com to see what they have? It has finished products but also chocolate (spoon fudge) and some suppliers. Think I saw jewelry too at one point. This is mostly us "little guys," no chains / big dept. type stores.


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e-Bay has e-mail gift certs. BCN has a number or something someone would order with after a cert is purchased. Not sure how they notify the giftee. My DH got one for me, and we were waiting for notification of it. When I ordered, I think I needed the order number from the GC purchase.

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You're very welcome!

I just e-mail the G.C. recipient and let him/her know the amount of the certificate and who it's from (usually a secret pal/buddy, so I don't give the actual name of the buyer, obviously!) Then the person receiving the g.c. is given a voucher code so he/she can redeem the g.c. online. It subtracts the amount of the g.c. from his/her shopping cart.

That's the way I do it anyway!

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You're very welcome!

I just e-mail the G.C. recipient and let him/her know the amount of the certificate and who it's from (usually a secret pal/buddy, so I don't give the actual name of the buyer, obviously!) Then the person receiving the g.c. is given a voucher code so he/she can redeem the g.c. online. It subtracts the amount of the g.c. from his/her shopping cart.

AJ, I would have liked to do this, but how are you able to set it up since Mal's cart only allows a maximum of 5 voucher codes? I wouldn't want to be limited to selling only 5 gift certs.
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Yeah, I can only do 5 on Mals too, because I use the free cart. I am wondering if you pay for the upgrade, will you get more than 5? Good question, but I don't know the answer! So I only offer a few different values on GC's.

I use the premium and don't get more codes :sad2:

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Thanks AJ, you've answered my question. I was thinking each customer had to have their own code, hence only 5 people could buy a GC and you would have to stop selling them until at least 1 of them redeemed their cert! But you've certainly made it work by having one code for each value, not each customer. Do you ever have problem of someone trying to reuse their code? That was what I was afraid of and which is why I have only been issuing paper certs which they have to submit.

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I keep a log book on GC's. Once it's redeemed, that gets noted in the log. hth
Yes, that makes sense. I've got just one more question (sorry for asking so many!): How do you handle partial or multiple online GC redemptions? Partial as in they have a $20 GC and only used $15 during their purchase. Multiple as in they have 2 $20 GCs and are using both at once - do they have to put through 2 seperate orders for $20 at a time?
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I know Greenleaf emails theirs as well. Though they charge .39 for postage. I haven't quite figured that one out but her products are awesome.

Thanks for the info that would make me not want to use them. It kind of sounds like they are really trying to get there CC charges back where they might have normally added those in with shipping.

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