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Chunk Candle With Xmas Trees


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This candle was made using straight paraffin, 5% Stearin, 3%FO and I wanted to try an LX16 wick. It is a 3" x4.5" size. I think it is burning OK. It has a shell, but I did not want a large melt pool as I have been having problems with bulging:angry2: I also wanted the embeds not to melt as it looks pretty with the flame shining through. The flame is flickering a lot though - could be a draft somewhere or do flames flicker a lot when they burn down inside a shell?? Could I have your opinions please and any tips/suggestions. Thanks for looking.





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Not sure what to say....I don't use LX in my pillars (1/0 square braid). My first thought was the first wick was too small, but the 18 does cause quite a bulge. The flame will flicker and dance inside the shell. Maybe you need to try a different type of wick.

And that is a really cute pillar!

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Looks great, but I don't like the fact that it burns down. My customers would say "It's to pretty to burn" so to sell more of them I would suggest...

IMO - I would make a chunk hurricane shell, then use tealights or votives on the inside, so you still get the glow.


You could still make the hurricane and fill the inside with container wax, and it still would leave the shell.

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I like the look of the candle glowing thru the trees and chunks. Very pretty. May I ask where you got your tree embed mold?

Thanks for the kind comment. I have had this embed mould for years, can´t remember where I got. I think I saw it on this site when I was looking for a four leaf clover mould www.thecookiecuttershop.com I ordered quite a few mini moulds from them (snowflakes, gingerbread boy, angels etc) and they arrived today:yay: so I will be busy this weekend.

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Now see those sizes I use a larger LX and I really don't get the bulging. I like the design alot, just too much shell for me.

Hi Scented, I am posting these two pics below as I was testing LX22 (on the left), and LX24 (on the right). They started off brilliantly and thought I was onto a winner with the 24, but half way down they start to bulge. I do 3 to 4 hour test burns. The MP for my wax is quite low 132F and I am wondering if I should add 10% Stearin to my wax as most candlemaking books suggest? I think I tried a LX26 once and the flame freaked me out because it was so large, but maybe should try again.



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Whenever I want something to stay pretty.....I do hurricanes. I do use a higher mp wax for pillars....about 145 and I use #2 square braid...I have tried many wicks but always go back to 0/5...#1 and #2....they work for me...but you will have to experiment with your wax...they are all different. I like the look of your chunks with the trees....try the hurricanes and they you can stop stressing....make some scented tea lights if you want fragrance. I love candlemaking....usually....(smile) Donita

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