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Golden Brands @ CandleScience

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Just checked out their site and saw that they are now offering Golden Brands wax! I know there are alot of folks on here that use this wax.

I have also read some threads on here where some of you say that one of the Golden Brands waxes is the same as EZSOY, maybe 415??? Maybe someone will jump in here and enlighten on this.

I am anxiously awaiting new fragrances from CandleScience.


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Well, that is good news. I've never used GB 415, but have read on here that it IS EZ-Soy, that it is the same wax. So, you'll have a great scent throw, some frosting issues, and will need to pour quite cool, in the slushy stages, just like EZ-Soy. I'm a big fan of Candlescience, so that should make a lot of people happy who are getting screwed on their shipping of EZ-Soy from Bittercreek. :yay:

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I thought BCN's shipping was always pretty reasonable (although I've never ordered wax from them).

UPS hundredweight is just up a lot from all of the hikes in petroleum.

I noticed that Candlescience is using its own hundredweight freight rate that is considerably cheaper than UPS. I wonder if they're using an LTL carrier instead.

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I noticed that Candlescience is using its own hundredweight freight rate that is considerably cheaper than UPS. I wonder if they're using an LTL carrier instead.

The CS Hundredweight rate is shipped with UPS, not via LTL. Because we ship so much with UPS our Hundredweight prices are deeply discounted, and we pass all that savings on to our customers. Also, the quoted rate is final, there are no additional fees for residential delivery or fuel.

We also ship LTL with a number of different carriers at an even greater savings. LTL rates are quoted on a per customer basis. If you are interested in shipping a full pallet or mixed pallet via LTL please give us a call and ask for Dan.


Mike Swimm

CandleScience Support

tel. 1-888-266-3916

email: support@candlescience.com

web: http://candlescience.com

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Well, I for one, am ready to start using Candle Sciene for my wax..... Just ordered 4 cases (asst. wax) from Bittercreek North, my shipping was quoted at $78.84 (before hundred weight discount), so I am expecting it to drop some after it ships for the hundred weight discount. Instead, I get my order and it went UP to $96!! I called and they said they had been short staffed so there was some kind of error and they refunded me only $12...... so I still paid $84.... more then quoted, don't see that I got any kind of hundred weight discount.

This is not the first time this has happened with them. I call and complain and point out that I spend HUNDREDS of dollars with them every month, but they are pretty non-responsive. Never been called by a supervisor about these matters, I'm thinking they must be making so much money that the money my company spends there is of little consequence.

Well, they have finally lost my business! There are some fragrance oils I HAVE to buy there, but I'm ready for some reasonable shipping and better customer service.

Let me know what you all think of Candle Science and of the Golden Brands 415 as I currently use some Ez Soy in my line!

Thanks for the RANT!! (just balttled with them yesterday, so it was still, oh so fresh!!):angry2:

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Schmoopie, I had the exact same thing happen to me several months ago. They refunded me a few dollars, big deal! They claimed that it is because they automatically add on $20 per UPS for residential orders and their fuel surcharge. I did end up ordering from them one more time and the shipping had came down, but only because I phoned the order in and requested them to use NON hundred weight because they said it would be cheaper, but I can't chance it. I now use candlescience because there is no guess work involved on how much they will charge for shipping, and their customer service can't be beat.

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  • 11 months later...

I agree with you too Tami and schmoopie....I discovered CS about 1 1/2 years ago or so but was afraid to try someone new...until I finally called them and asked several questions which were answered and answered very well. That conversation convinced me that not only do they know what they are talking about but they treat people with class and respect....I use them almost exclusively now,however,like schmoopie,I still have to order some fo's from BCN....but that list is growing smaller every month. As far as I am concerned,CS has my business and will have it for a long time.

Mike (littlebrownbug)

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Add me to the list of those feed up w/ BC's crappy service. I tested all the GB soys when they were sending out very generous samples, but couldn't find a supplier that could make the costs work out for me. I need to check the CS website & start crunching numbers. I haven't had a chance to get my CS samples in wax, but I'm very pleased w/ the oob scent. I've had so many bad experiences w/ BCS & BCN & am more than willing to eliminate them as a supplier. I certainly don't qualify as a major spender, but it really makes an impact when all of us small fries take our business somewhere else. I think suppliers loose sight of their small customers. CS has excellent customer service & we've all figured out that the GB wax is the same as EZ Soy, so I'll be pulling out the calculator this weekend!!


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Ok, I just looked up the EZsoy at BCN and I'm really pissed off now! They INCREASED THE PRICE AGAIN! It is now 42.00 for a 50 pound box---they just increased it to 40.00 this summer, now its up 2 dollars again! The fact they try to just sneak it by us is the biggest pisser! How many of you guys would increase your product by 4.00 in a matter of a couple months BUT JUST HOPE NO ONE NOTICES since you don't inform anyone? Plus their outrageous shipping charges are seriously getting nuts! So I went to CS and compared the EZsoy and the 415 with prices and shipping and found CS to be WAY MORE ECONOMICAL and they are way way farther away from me than BCN which is only one state away. Here's what I found=

Ezsoy BCN:

50.00lb box = 42.00

Buy 4 boxes to get the hundred weight shipping you get 3 dollars knocked off the price so its 39.00 per 50 lbs. and shipping is 163.96 (per their cart BUT they say you get a discount on shipping but I don't believe its much different from what I've seen AND WILL IT BE 85.23)

Now look at Candle Science and their awesome prices!

GB415 50lb box = 37.95

Buy 4 of those to get the hundred weight discount for shipping and you get the CANDLE SCIENCE SHIPPING RATE OF 85.23!

So you save money per box of wax from CS then you save huge on shipping too! Oh and they state you will never be charged more than the quoted price...hmm..UNLIKE THE OTHER PLACE!

Sure makes you wonder how a supplier half a country a way from me can be so much better on prices and shipping than the company one state away?!!!

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Well, that is good news. I've never used GB 415, but have read on here that it IS EZ-Soy, that it is the same wax. So, you'll have a great scent throw, some frosting issues, and will need to pour quite cool, in the slushy stages, just like EZ-Soy. I'm a big fan of Candlescience, so that should make a lot of people happy who are getting screwed on their shipping of EZ-Soy from Bittercreek. :yay:

Sorry, don't mean to get too far off subject here, but did you really think 415 had a great scent throw? I barely get any...I blend it with C3 to improve the scent throw of 415 and the performance of C3. I was under the impression that EZ soy and 415 are the same thing???

On subject, that means that CS will most likely update their wickguide and now include GB waxes on it!!

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it's called screwing people & sticking the rest in your pocket.

Or maybe it's just better business management at Candle Science!

With suppliers adding things to their inventory and new suppliers cropping up, any established business has to increase their customer support - be it with discounted pricing, new quality oils or reasonable shipping charges. If they don't take the time to research their competition or negotiate ways to save their customers money they will loose business in the end. I love the fact that Candle Science seems to be off in their own little world. Don't seem to care about what others prices are - just worried about providing quality materials and great advice and generating a reasonable profit for themselves.

With the competitive pricing available now - these older companies will have to quit resting on their big fat laurels!

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I always ordered my soy from NuScent.I placed an order on a Thursday for 30 of one type and 20 of another kind. I paid thru paypal right away. I received my shipment statement. Well that date came and went. I finally called and they said I owed them 9.49 more, because the shipping calculator can not weigh two different boxes. They said they sent me an email stating this. I argured for 10 minutes stating I never received that email. They did not believe me. I then cancelled my whole order. They now are charging me 5.00 or 10% of the order. Which ever is greater. (how nice).I then shot of a very nice (LOL) email. to the company. I called 3 days later to see when they were refunded my money. The owner got on the phone and said the person who I argured with was right . The department that sends emails out told her that they sent one to me about owing $. She goes on to say she looked in to it and the email was not sent, but the woman was not at fault because thats what she was told. So she then said I guess you both were wrong so lets just start over. I hung up and called CS vented to Diane and then placed my soy threw them. I now get everything from them and will for as long as I make candles. By the way I got a total refund. Whoopie..

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I ordered my very first soy kit from Nu-Scent and then immediately placed another big order after making the kit. Every time I had a problem, it was never their fault. After the 3rd time, I changed over also. I don't buy everything from one place, but CS is among my favs...they have great customer service, so does JBN. I don't care how good a product is or how much I can save if they don't have good customer service now, I don't buy! I'm with you on your change!

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