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Fire starters

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Sure, they work great.....but even better if you put some kind of wood shavings in. I just go out into my woods and get dried bark, acorns, little twigs......

I don't sell them, they are just for personal use, but thank goodness for them. Makes our campfires alot easier to start......no more DH swearing over teepee versus log cabin or blaming it on wet wood.....lol!

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I make them & use them too, with sawdust mixed in with the melted wax, packed into paper fairy cake cases, poke 3 little wicks in & top off with cheap coloured pot pourri & a dribble of wax over that to hold it in place.

They work wonderfully every time & now I'm selling them too.


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I make and use them as well. I use hamster litter, leftover wax and pour them into paper cups. Then I top them with a little cheap potpourri to make them look pretty and insert the parts of the wicks I trim off my candles so they can be lit easily. They work great. I sell quite a few in the winter months as well.

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  • 4 years later...

I make them too - have a "bucket" in the shop for "scrap wax" and then melt it all down, mix in sawdust, and throw in the cupcake deals with a wick - they work great (we do have a fireplace) and sell well in the winter.

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I use those two ounce dixi cups at Costco, scrap wax, and hamster wood. I fill the cup 1/3 with the wood and pour in about a half ounce of wax. That leaves plenty of room on top. They burn about 6-7 inches tall which is enough to light a log on fire if you put them under the metal log holder in the fireplace. They last about 5-10 minutes which is plenty. I use to use scrap wicks but between that being labor intensive, and the difficulty of lighting the wick once in place, I gave up. Just light the rim of the cup and it takes a minute then it goes. For safety reasons, I have instructions to place them first in the fireplace, then light them with one of those long nose lighters.

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DNJ, it is best to use whatever junk wax you have around. Trimmings from cut/carve or some experiment gone horribly wrong, etc.

As for sale, I have 32 bags of a dozen each sitting here and have given a bunch away to friends who like to go camping or winter fireplaces, so I haven't gotten around to selling, but since they cost me about ten cents each to make, I would be happy with $5 or $6 a dozen.

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DNJ, it is best to use whatever junk wax you have around. Trimmings from cut/carve or some experiment gone horribly wrong, etc.

As for sale, I have 32 bags of a dozen each sitting here and have given a bunch away to friends who like to go camping or winter fireplaces, so I haven't gotten around to selling, but since they cost me about ten cents each to make, I would be happy with $5 or $6 a dozen.

Thank you Eric :)

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I have been making these for camping for years. I found that the little paper cups like you get cole slaw in work better for me than cupcake liners and definitely add in the wick scraps. When I didn't the paper liner would burn and I would end up with a puddle of wax dribbling out that wasn't contained while burning. The paper condiment cups or dixie cups seem to hold up better and burn away at about the same rate as the filling does so we don't get the puddle. The puddle always scared me so I didn't use them for interior fireplaces because we have the ash drop and I was afraid that some wax would get down there and later have some hot ash fall and ignite it in the clean out...could be bad! As a result I never sold them, just made for personal/close friend use for camping and outdoor firepits.

In addition to pet shavings, wood pellets work awesome mixed in. Makes them burn a little longer which helps if the wood at the campground is a little wet.

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