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Found the person who "stole" my products


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I didn't realize how close they were to my products, same names, same colors, same terms, everything. I also found out she had first hand knowledge of my products, meaning she placed an order for my products!! Not sure how to take the next step to bring her down!

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I can see researching other people poducts but copying!?:mad:

What are you going to do? Are you going to confront her? I'm new in this and i've studied other people products whom I admire, but I like to be original.. not that I haven't gotten ideas from others businesses but I always personalize it with my own very special touches. I'd be really upset if this ever happens to me since I'm putting so much work into defining my product line.

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My former sales rep and her somehow planned this, cause she wasn't making them 6 weeks before the trade show. 6 weeks is not enough time to test. Mine was 10 mos before it went to market.

She is 2 hrs away and has a shop, might have to take a road trip36_5_11.gif. Don't be sneaky cause i'm a good detective... and ready to go kick some butt10_1_132.gif

I have replicated product sure, so has everyone else here I am sure, but to take the details out of 50 products and reproduce them exactly, come on!! Wait until I lay down my plans 4_2_105.gif , then I''ll let you know her site...she has two!

But she doen't have my creativity.....1000 new products by Jan...that is my goal! I am a little tired though and my DH thinks I'm crazy, but all for it!

Can I just say I love these smileys!!


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I am a firm believer in Karma. Whatever you do to someone, good or bad, I believe it comes back to you three fold. I think this person will get what she deserves in the long run without you doing anything in retaliation. Just sit back and watch her fail. We believe that one of our competitors once vandalized (2x in one week) our business car - $3000 worth of damage. I feel very at peace knowing their business will suffer at least $9000 in losses and I won't have to do a darn thing. My conscience and Karma are clean but I can't say the same for them.

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But she doen't have my creativity.....1000 new products by Jan...that is my goal! I am a little tired though and my DH thinks I'm crazy, but all for it!

WOW! 1000 new products by January? Sounds like you will be testing 24/7, including in your sleep.

WOW is right !!!

That is a lot of new products to add to a line.... Do you sell other products other than candles, bath & body??:meditate:

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B&B, not yet, but that's where I'm getting most of the new products. Been testing throughout the year. with 45 scents that knockss me down to 20 some odd new products. Have 8 so far completed, and still testing the rest. So "1000" products is easier thatn you think. Been working 8am-11pm lately.

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