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Butterflies and more

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You are awesome!:bow: someone asked if I could carve candles and as much as I want to it would be like making those darn beaded flowers when they are done it's so very hard to part with them! Those are all so beautiful. I've only read a little about them. Are they difficult and time consuming?:o

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Thank you all SO MUCH for your generous words and encouragement. It is something I have discovered that I love doing.....but in my opinion, MUCH easier than getting a container wicked properly or getting a fragrance oil to throw well enough to please me.:D

Grumpy.....I would say that it takes me about 30 minutes to do each one. That includes the dipping process. Some of them are dipped up to 25 times....some not so many.....that part takes the time. Once the candle has been dipped, you have to move fairly quickly because the candle starts cooling. After a few candles, you learn not to "dilly dally". I think that you have to work on speed first and than work on making them perfect.

OFCILYNN- I get my pigments from John at candlefun. I have ordered from BCN as well.

craftyinala- I got my instructions from candlefun. I bought all 4 of his videos. It is an easy way for me to learn.

Hibiscus- I think that the most difficult part is learning to use the knife ...how to slice...not too thin, not too deep...and to keep it consistent. Working quickly is another challenge. I have a tendency to want everything to be perfect, so in the beginning I wanted to linger too long in each area. Have to just learn from it and move on.

lindsaycb- takes me about 30 minutes......and no, you only do one at a time because of the cooling issue. If you dipped multiple candles they would all start cooling and you couldn't do all the necessary cuts. Some of the candles have over 35 cuts, so they have to be done without lingering. The way to get two the same is just to carve them in the same manner, not to carve them at the same time. Makes sense?

TwinMom- To my knowledge, other than ordering books, John (www.candlefun.com )is the only one actually teaching candle carving. He has 4 videos but of course they are for teaching using his system. There are several ways to do anything. This is the one I saw first and wanted to learn so I latched on. As you know, there are very few people in the candle making community willing to teach others how to do what they do......for whatever reasons. That goes for any kind of candle. The IGCA convention is the best place to learn IF you prefer structured classes and educators. (which I had been needing and looking for well over a year) There are 4 days and several classes to choose from. ..An awesome opportunity for education junkies. Sure beats the ol' trial and error method that seems to be the only alternative.

Of course, there has always been and will continue to be AWESOME information and many helpful people on this and other message boards that are willing to take the time to share their knowledge and help you work through those kinks with your candle and B&B projects. I wouldn't want to leave the impression that THIS is not available! It has been very helpful to me and the people here have been wonderful.

I would encourage anyone who has an interest in this to give it a shot. Candle carving is a lot of fun, not THAT difficult and a little different than what you might otherwise be doing.

Of course I expect that it will take me years to get to the point where the REAL carvers are at.....but I am happy with the progress I have made in the month I have been doing them.

Now, if I could just learn to make a container candle I am proud of!

Thanks again everyone.

Happy Pouring/Carving!!

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I had wanted to go to that convention, knowing that I might get to have a class or two in some type of candle making skills, but it just wasn't in the cards for me this year~but maybe next time?? And now I know which one I what for sure~WOW and the angel candles you carved are Magnificent!! You can see the "Angel" standing there and that is so Awesome. They are all beautiful candles! Hope you sell them all and if you don't~ you know how to get my address lol

Sue Ann

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Of course I expect that it will take me years to get to the point where the REAL carvers are at.....but I am happy with the progress I have made in the month I have been doing them.

Now, if I could just learn to make a container candle I am proud of!

Thanks again everyone.

Happy Pouring/Carving!!

I've been carving for about 2 years (I go on spurts of a month here, a month there, so not the full 2 years, but I started 2 years ago, I should say) and I am no where near as good as that!! I can make a mean seascape carving, but that's easy. Just a few cuts and a few gouge twists, but your carvings are AMAZING!!

Keep up the good work. One of these days when I have a full month to 2 months, I want to do nothing but carve from morning til night to get that good at it! lol

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I think cut-n-carve is your specialty, I really love butterflies and I think those cut-n-carve butterflies are beautiful. I would love to purchase a couple of those to display as a centerpiece. Don't forget to let us know when you ready to start selling those beautiful creations.

Keep up the good work!!!!:highfive:

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Wow Michael!!

I must say you have found your niche in candles! Awesome work!

I will be able to brag soon that I was there and knew Michael when he first started doing cut and carve and how I was with him at the IGCA convention where he learned the process!! Very proud you!!

Now for the obvious plug for the IGCA conventions. Join up and come to next year's convention, you will learn so much. Just lookie at what Mikey learned! :grin2:

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Michael......those are way cool. I haven't had the nerve to try one yet......I have been so in love with Bruce's work.....and now you are up to 47. I should try one but it scares me. Looks too hard for me......but I should do it...right? I won't show anyone because I know it won't be as good as yours.......Donita

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