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How well are the shows going thus far this year for you?

Fire and Ice

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I remember this question being asked last year. How well are you doing in sales at shows this year? Better or worse and why? Are the crowds larger or smaller? Are they buying more or less?

I'm doing better than last year which was a poor year for me. Crowds are bigger and more repeat customers who have discovered Soy candles and like them. The clam shells are also doing better this year too. I just recently added tart warmers as well. But the big test is the next show coming up this year/ Biggest show of the whole year. I actually bring in paid help.:tongue2:

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My shows are a lot smaller than most peoples, they're all local ones. What I'm tickled over others would think is horrible :)

This year my business plan was to double total sales, and I've already exceeded that, not even counting web sales. 2 new shows (for me) this year set record sales. One show was down 25%, one show was cancelled. I still have 3 shows left (2 3day and a single day), one of which was my record breaker *last* year, plus 4 more days of Saturday market.

Soap is 56% of sales this year, and lip balms have climbed to 8%, double from last year. That silly tooth soap is 5% of sales on its own :) I think I'm doing better at marketing - I engage the customer in conversation more. Free samples and that tooth soap draw them in.

Candles are just about out of my line - I'll do pillars for the holidays, but not much else. I probably have about 25#s of container wax left - once that's gone that's it. Probably why I see a different pattern than everyone else - b&b is solid all year long, not just holidays like tradition candle sales.

Crowds seem to be up. They're buying more at once - most are multiple sales. Repeat sales are up, which is gratifying. I'm looking forward to a great holiday season, maybe I'll be able to add in one more new fair.

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I just finished up my first show of the "fall season" a show i have done for 10 years.Has grown from $50 to $175 for a 10x 12. Used to be a craft show, now out of 250 maybe 10% are handmade. Sales are equal to last years with lot's of customers returning. I had my first vandilization. The entire fronts of my two tents were slashed from end to end.

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For me this has been a funky year shows that I have done well in the past are just okay stuff that I didn't think was going to do well but did anyway has surpassed expectations and had one show that was always a great show was so disappointing I will never do it again unless the promoter make some serious changes(they really screwed it up and all the vendors where pissed)

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My summer shows were BAD!!! I made my cost back but not much else.

Wouldn't have been so bad if it wasnt so darn hot!!! I did 4 ...and none were as busy as the years past.

I'm hoping my fall and winter shows will make up for it!!

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Thwanksh awot Brush :) (hmmm, typing toothless just doesn't work) I marked it out of stock last night because I only have 10 each left, and I need them for my 3 day fair this weekend. So they automatically went to another page.

But you can see them http://watersgulch.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=155



Anyway, back to subject. Anyone else have a feel for how their holidays are going to pan out? Trying anything new to bring in customers?

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Robin, I think alot has to do with the economy.. Jumping for joy at paying $2.87/gallon.. yea.. yikes... At this point in time.. most are keeping their wallets closed. There is so much drama and trepidation, unpredicability. My Sister just got orders for IRAQ, i think many others have as welll

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Well we've done shows for the first time this year and a couple of repeats. So far 50-50 on whether we'll go back next year. Some were good. Some had lots of people but other problems. It's been hit or miss. Most were just looking around, but we've been making sales and I think we're getting more of a male interest now, so guess I've been concentrating on more male scents.

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I did some shows over the sping and they were ok, but I am now gearing up for the fall shows, I have at least 2 booked each month Sept thru Dec.

I avoid summer shows like the plague. In previous years the fall shows are the bomb. I can't wait.

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I did some shows over the sping and they were ok, but I am now gearing up for the fall shows, I have at least 2 booked each month Sept thru Dec.

I avoid summer shows like the plague. In previous years the fall shows are the bomb. I can't wait.

Well that's interesting because it's the spring shows that I avoid. I've never done well at those.

And gearing up for the fall/winter shows too because they are always great!


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