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Salt Bars...a first for me!


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What do you do when your 4th of July guests leave and you have a little time before the evening's scheduled campfire? Make your first salt bars, of course. :o It does seem just a little obsessive, doesn't it?

Here's the batch in the mold swirled with a little Black Cherry mica. I used about 10% monoi in with all that regular coconut, so am hoping for a little scent in these bars. I hope they turn out!


Thanks for looking!

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Do you make your lye ahead of time so that you can make these wonderful batches at a whim?

Nope! I always make my lye as I need it. But I will admit that I put the lye pitcher in an ice water bath this time to get it cool fast enough. :wink2: Thanks, Julia!

Didn't get to stay out at the campfire very long tonight. :undecided Husband has to get up very early for work tomorrow morning. So now I can keep a close eye on the soap.

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Well...I've cut the bars, but they are not all trimmed up because I have made the world's shortest salt bars! :laugh2: I adjusted the size of my recipe and reduced it too much and now the bars are way too thin - rather like brownies baked in a too-large pan. Plus, they are sweating like the dickens today, so I'm not handling them anymore right now. Is this normal? I saw that carolgrant mentioned hers "sweating" too.


Grumpy - I didn't add any scent to the batch, just the monoi. You can smell it in the finished soap at a low level. Might increase the percentage of that in the next try. And try swirling in the pot plus saving some soap out to dress the top with a swirl so there is color throughout in each bar. Plus I'll gel the next batch - I didn't gel these.

I LOVE the micas for coloring. So easy to incorporate.

Thanks for looking!

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I LOVE them!

I know what you mean about too thin, mine were just a little too thin too. How do you calculate the proper batch weight? (I can do volume, but don't know the density of soap, salt or otherwise). Anyone got a rule of thumb?

What level did yo udo the monoi? I want to use it but I'm too cheap to use any ore than necessary!

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Thanks, Carol - I halved my normal recipe so next time I will reduce it only by one-third and it might work out okay. Just guess work, so if anyone has a specific formula...I'm all EARS!

I used roughly 10% monoi...I say roughly because I spilled some :rolleyes2 and had to make up the ounce or two difference with the plain coconut. The scent does come through enough for me, but perhaps not for those who prefer a stronger scent.

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Those bars look wonderful even if you think they are too thin.

I believe the formula is L x W x H x .4 to calculate how much oils will fill your mold to a certain level. Let's say you have a mold that is 12 inches wide, 10.5 inches long, and 5" deep. If you want your soap to be 1" thick, instead of multiplying 10.5 x 12 x 5 x .4 do 10.5 x 12 x 1 x .4 instead. It will give you the fluid ounces you need to make 1" thick soap in the mold. Just vary the depth number by what you want.

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they look nice but why didn't you gel them ? that could be why they are sweating .

That's a very good question and I've been trying to figure out what I was thinking yesterday. :rolleyes2 I'm going to try it again and this time force it to gel thoroughly! ...and up the oils too.

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That's a very good question and I've been trying to figure out what I was thinking yesterday. :rolleyes2 I'm going to try it again and this time force it to gel thoroughly! ...and up the oils too.

I always force gel but I don't use abunch of different oils either .Ive used vco and regular co and I think one time I used babuso oil ?

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