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Seda France/Super Marketing Tactics


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I called on a couple of my retailers (upscale gift shops)yesterday. The hottest thing in our area is candles by Seda France http://www.sedafrance.com/collection/classic-toile/pagoda/index.shtml

These folks from Austin, Tx have been in business since 2001 and are already on Oprah's list. Can you believe a 14 oz candle for $32. My guess is they spend more on the packaging than on making the candle. Anyone tried one? I have to admit I like to try my competition's products, but I'll pass on this one. Wish I had thought of pagoda boxing.:cry2: :cry2: :cry2:

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Pitt Petri sells them here.

The boxes are very cool- and as I always say "it's all about the packaging".

You must seduce the nose or eyes before the wallet comes out.

In my rual small town there is no market or $$ for high priced packaging. My customers want a quality product at a good price not expensive packaging.

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In my rual small town there is no market or $$ for high priced packaging. My customers want a quality product at a good price not expensive packaging.

Well, that may be true. :wink2:

However- your small, rural town is only a very small part of the world.

Luxury candles are *hot* in the market now. Being that you already have a brick and mortar store, why not venture to the web and out of state wholesale? Network yourself, it's a win win situation.

Then you could market any idea, IMO. Just some food for thought.

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Well, that may be true. :wink2:

However- your small, rural town is only a very small part of the world.

Luxury candles are *hot* in the market now. Being that you already have a brick and mortar store, why not venture to the web and out of state wholesale? Network yourself, it's a win win situation.

Then you could market any idea, IMO. Just some food for thought.

Thanks, I'm working on marketing outside of my store. I might try a small line of a higher end look and see where it leads, because in larger towns around me and the web (when I get a site) they might just sell.

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Those boxes are downright ugly. I wouldn't pay a plug nickel for them. Let all the high and mighty pay for them. The must have nothing else to spend their zillions on.

I agree packaging is key and I have seen some lovely things I would buy for the packaging alone, but not those things, uck!

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i agree with candleman is my small rural community i would be laughed outta town. i have no desire to get a website, so i'm sticking with what works around here.

you pay $30.00 for the ugly box and $2.00 for the candle. lol

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Wow, those are cool... yup, I'm a sucker for packaging... SO?!

Fortunately many of my customers are too. Time to get a small business loan and refocus my efforts LOL!

I agree Michael, I laud this company's efforts & success.

It's great to know your local demographics, but if you have a website you can add a smaller luxury line to branch out. Of course money & time to test your products may be a factor. Online networking groups are a great way to reach people outside of your local area.

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hell...i'd buy one of those. that is my goal is to get packaging done....once i finish paying for a new driveway and landscaping.....:undecided ---hopefully fall/winter. yes, i said hopefully. But I definitely will be pushing for it.

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Those rat B******! They stole from me!!!!! :laugh2:

I use a lot of toile in my design and they must have seen me at one of my craft shows or stores. And NOW look at them! (Yeah, I am sure it happened just like that!) :laugh2:

I wonder if they manufacture in Austin. I would love to know more about them...how they got started, etc.

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I personally don't like the look, either, but I'm sure the candle is high quality (heck, if Oprah says so...lol).

I think it's wonderful that this business can command those kind of prices, if I thought I could do it I'd try as well. It's up to each individual consumer to determine what they would spend their money on and if they think $32 is reasonable for a candle, then great for the candle maker!

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Kudos to yet another candle/fragrance company that shoots their way to the top in a relatively short time. Awesome, unique "look" that is all their own and very recognizable. I have to LOVE seeing these companies get their price for many reasons!
I totally agree with Micheal. Good for them!!!! Janette
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Wow..interesting..$15 for 3 votives..now that is upscale packaging.

:laugh2: If I sold those here I would be laughed out of the Tri State area.

Good for them though..they stepped out of the box..and spend a crap load of money on packaging..and got an Oprah plug. I am not going to try it..but hey if you got the $$ to burn give it a try.

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I personally don't like the boxes, just not my style but their marketing is obviously working for them. I will have to say they are "interesting" looking.

Now, what really bothers me is that so many products become popular just because Oprah said it is good. People put way to much weight into what she says. She has more pull than GOD with her followers.

Just something that bothers me, I wish people would think for themselves and not look so much for famous people to tell them what they should like, buy or think is cool.

Ok, off my soap box!!!! Off to watch Oprah:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:J/K



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Frankly I think they are ugly. I wouldn't pay that much for a candle, but they are a success, no doubt about it. Let them try to sell them at a store/craft show in Jersey. haha. They don't need to, they have their market, once Oprah puts it on her list it's like Christmas every day. I wonder how much it costs to advertise in Country Home and such, see plenty of candles there that are so/so but get a mention. I can dream,can't I?:rolleyes2

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