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Closing Business

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Shell take your time in healing but just a little advice...Wait a little while before selling everything off. My mom had a quardruple bypass and she wanted to get rid of all her craft stuff ( she could have a store with all she has LOL )I talked her into just packing it away and think on it a few months. Now she is glad she listened. She is now picking up a few of her crafts and enjoying it. It's great therapy for her as her Dr. hasn't given her the ok to start doing things she used to do ( gardening ~ Yard work.)

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I am so sorry you had a heart attack... I had a stroke last July 3rd and it took a while to get back to normal. I just want to say depression can take over if you let it. With a deep faith and family support you can overcome it. People tend to think their heart failed them, it didn't because you are still here. I still have at the back of my mind that I will have another stroke, but I am living as though it were my last day on earth... It will take some time to heal but it really is a time for you to take care of yourself and reflect on what is most important to you....I think I cried for about 6 months straight, which is like cleaning our your soul..Good luck and take care.

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Shell, you got some great advice here, and a lot of people who care about you. Only you know what is best for you, but don't totally give up on what you love; make it a goal to work toward better health to be able to enjoy it all again. I'm certainly wishing the best for you; keep your chin up, Girl!:)

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Take care of yourself and check back with us to tell us how you are doing.It is a shock and I am sure something you need to sort out.I am sure you are weak and sluggish but soon after excercise and lots of rest you will be back doing what you love.Strange but just this past month I had all my tests for heart and blood work.I had a EKG, Echocardiogram, and heart halter and all was fine but a few times my heart would beat an extra beat but so far nothing to be concerned.I was tired but also feeling kinda down because I overdo it.Glad I have a doctor that will run tests.Before I would never be tested no matter what.Now a female doctor and not a male.I guess they don't listen to women when it comes to their health. You hear it all the time.

If I was to tell my doctor I had before I was tired "I would have been told to go to bed earlier and get lots of excercise".You should be fine and besides you just had a blood test 2 years ago.My friends get one every year.


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So sorry to hear about your heart attack, take care of yourself , by doing what ever is best for you. then come back at what you love to do stronger than ever. wishing you a speedy recovery and the best of luck on what ever you do.

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And to add further to that, I think I will take the advice given and just keep my stuff for when I am ready to return to it. I might not be up to running a business any time soon, but I will definitely be ready to do some pouring when the Dr. says I'm ready for it.

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