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ok, roll your eyes and call me a fool

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I thought (still think) candles sound like a lot of fun. I figured "how hard can it be? you melt, you pour...." So I got a kit from Michaels to make votives (figured I'd start simple, even though I was conviced it was easy as pie).

Um, forgive me for I am dead wrong....

Even those little votives, with all those nice instructions, one color, one (bad) scent...

Well, obviously it ain't as easy as it seemed.


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Well, I'm way over my head in B&B anyway, so I guess in for a penny in for a pound....

If votives are so problematic, do you have another format you recommend?

When you're living in a refrigerator box offering perfect votives for food, don't say I didn't give you good advice.
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What problems are you having exactly maybe we can help you figure it out.

10mins later......

I thought about it for a little bit and I think your problem could be the kit from MIcheals I think there stuff tends to not be the same as the stuff you get from a professional supplier I have heard the kit from Peaks is really good.

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We started out with the votive kit from Cajun candles - that worked out great for us! I don't think the smaller set comes with the wick pins - a MUST for us - but you may be able to pick some up from the classifieds.....

Of course, most of our money has been spent at Peak's, so you might as well go ahead and order from them...and throw in some more fragrances...and wicks....and dyes.....yup, there goes your $ :P

But it is FUN! Enjoy!!!

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Knitting ;)

Well, unfortunately my obsessive personality led to carpel tunnel syndrome from my knitting (and playing Doom on the computer, but that's another story).

Hmmm, from what I hear obsessive personality seems to be something we all have in common. Not sure if I should jump right in or run the other direction screaming... I mean, do I really need ANOTHER obsession?

You all are a hoot!

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My problem was mostly with technique, I think. The tops looked horrid - if I brought it to a rounded minuscus (sp?) then it had sharp edges, not what I was going for. Plus the second pour must have melted too much of the wax cause my wicks went way off center - and of course I totally messed up the tops trying to bring them back. Guess I should wait till the candles cool completely before topping off? But what about the "edges"?

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I like votives. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like a mini-container-poured-votive you have there (wick moving, etc.).

IMO, I think it may be difficult for you to get advice b/c of the origin of the kit. If it's Yaley, I don't think they have a message board or some kind of extensive product support. If you use products from more well known/used suppliers, troubleshooting may be easier for you. :wink2:

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it sounds like a mini-container-poured-votive you have there (wick moving, etc.).

sounds about right.

I won't give up, but I might try out a different supplier - once I get a job and have more money to waste, er spend.... ;)

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It's just going to take time practicing with the pour. When you want to get serious about it, invest in a kit from a reputable supplier and some votive wick pins, makes placement of votive wicks a heck of a lot easier. In the meantime you have practice kit you can remelt and work on your pouring.

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It says I can re-use the wicks if I need to melt & re-pour, but how do I do that? I mean, how do I get the wax off of them? Do I just dump the whole candle in my pot?

Pretty much. Fish the wicking out after the wax has melted.

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I found votives a great starting point. You need wick pins, the right wax and wicks. Hopefully, some of your B&B stuff will work scent wise so you don't have to sell the kids. Ask questions before you order. We've all spent a fortune already and can steer you clear of some mistakes. I find Candlewic to be the bext wax source for those of us in NJ. They have a $25 minimum and are super fast. I've used C&S many times as well (without event, LOL). I would not recommend either for fragrance.


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