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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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Rain I expect for a lot of you - stay dry you guys...

Working on the whipped shea I *didn't* do last week. OMH and Almond.

And I just got into another fair for the 17th - a juried one that's mostly art, but I was able to sneak in anyway. So doing a lot of labeling - that makes a fair 2 weekends in a row.

Then getting ready for work Monday! Excited/scared...

What's up with you guys? Any new scents on the horizon?

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I'll be practicing with paraffin tonight and tomorrow. I started out with soy, last night has a rather unsuccessful evening with the paraffin. Practice practice for me.

Oh- and getting ready for my boyfriends surprise birthday party for when he comes home Sunday! :yay:

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I'm all stocked up on candles, but I need to pour tarts. Then I plan to make a nearly-castile soap and Black Raspberry and Clean for summer soaps. Need to restock citrus-ginger lotion bars too, and maybe make some coconut or vanilla lip butters.

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Oh, my candle stock is very low on about 20 scents! I hope to get a little of that restocking poured this weekend, along with hopefully finishing a fundraiser order. I had planned to do most of that order on my holiday last Monday but DH kept me busy all day sanding and staining a door--we worked on it for 10 hours and after that my poor feet have been swollen the rest of the week and I just haven't felt like pouring any night this week after work.

I'd love to also play with some of the MP soap I've bought and not worked with, so I'll know what I need to re-order from the co-op that's currently running.

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Name it an it's either in a pot, bowl or microwave. More tea lights and containers. Also a few pillars(gave up on soy pillars) trying paraffin or a beeswax paraffin mix. Also, I think I might try some cp soap. My flowers are almost all in bloom except the Hibiscus and so I will be pressing more roses and foliage. I'm struggling with the clematis but I think I will master those babies...they are sooo breathtaking..gotta get it right because my canes are :drool: I got a new supply of fragrances a few days ago and I will be trying those in tarts:drool: I'm a little anxious waiting for supplies of wax and containers/bottles and such but I'll make it through the weekend..lol my neighbors flowers are starting to whisper to me at night...might have to beg some of them to let me cut few.....

Have a Creative Weekend Everyone!


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I am going to be BUSY!! I have my biggest festival of the year next weekend and I have dozens of incense bundles soaking and drying around the house. Ditto with incense cones. My stock of body oils needs to be increased so I'll be bottling and labeling + I need to re-do my signage & make a price list! AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! (just kidding)

I love doing festivals but it is a lot of work.

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I'm still trying to get Funky with the leftover wax in the box on the floor...

I am finally finishing up the votives for Dcroome's swap....and I have 2 pillars to paint...

I'm going out with the girls tonight! Woohoo! I havent been out since last august 26th (my birthday...lol) I'd say it's time to go have some fun!

Tomorrow my daughter has 2 birthday parties to go to and then I want to pour more candles, and I work all day Sunday...

It is a beautiful day outside today, nice breeze, not humid, perfect temperature...I just want to read a book and relax...but of course I cant do that..lol

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Soaping Coconut Lime Verbana, OMH Goats Milk, just got another candle order 3 dz apothecaries. I need very badly to start restocking soap, so master batching today. Have fun all. Good luck Monday Robin.

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Well I have to take my bay to the dr today for excessive diarreah (yuck!). :eek: He's not sick and I thought it was due to teething but not this much. Fun...LOL Then once Jackson goes to bed I hope to try my hand at some pillars for the first time. Anyway, tomorrow we are taking the boat out for some huge bash on the lake so I guess I get to work on my tan! Yay! Then Sun, I will clean bathrooms and pour some more candles. I'm not having the best luck yet but I am such a beginner so all I can do is practice. Hope you all enjoy your weekend and are able to catch up on restocking or practicing! :whistle:

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I got a new HP photosmart printer!!:yay: :yay: :yay: Only problem is, I don't have any labels and my computer is being worked on. LOL! Talk about double edged sword! I also received new jars, wax and scents. Oh, and a new Kitchen Kettle :yay: :yay: :yay: I'm on cloud 9! I hope you all stay dry and safe, it's getting dark outside as we speak.

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I just did some bavarian thin mint jars (posting them shortly) and I made the wax embed for my pink ribbon candle, which I am going to pour tonight or tomorrow. I would also like to try some of the butterscotch vanilla cream I just got over the weekend. Still testing jars for wicking and pouring a ton of oils to see what I like best.

Birthday party with Skye tomorrow, then some shopping, then we're going to see a movie together tomorrow evening. Mommy works all week so Sat and Sun are all about Skye!!

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I just did some bavarian thin mint jars (posting them shortly) and I made the wax embed for my pink ribbon candle, which I am going to pour tonight or tomorrow. I would also like to try some of the butterscotch vanilla cream I just got over the weekend. Still testing jars for wicking and pouring a ton of oils to see what I like best.

Birthday party with Skye tomorrow, then some shopping, then we're going to see a movie together tomorrow evening. Mommy works all week so Sat and Sun are all about Skye!!

Bavarian Thin Mint sounds yummy :-) Post pics when you are done please ??

What's in my pot this weekend- Nothing. Cleaning house before my mother comes into town Monday :-)


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i just receive 30 scents in the mail today! So im pouring all weekend. I also got some new jars to work with as well. Oh, and I got my lables that Im going to try to print. Im doing vodoo on my printer so it will give me good luck...lol

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