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New to the Board - with a question for all of you!

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Hi all! I've been lurking around on the board for a while and finally I just couldn't stand it anymore and had to join! My daughter, Kaeli (9 yrs) and I just started making candles in the late fall. We went wild when we started but them my business started keeping me so busy that we took a bit of a hiatus until this weekend when we started up again. My daughter wants to get into selling them and her brother (graduating this year) said that he would design a website for her once she gets enough product to put on there. We are pretty good if I do say so myself and we love to try all the new things that we see. You all have some absolutely beautiful candles on this board and all seem to be so talented! My daughter makes the little balloon candles and then paints them but I'm going to try my hand at the larger orb candles with embeds tonight. I'll post some pictures to show you where I am in my progress with my works.

My question for you is this, I've been reading all of your posts about the different fragrances and what is the best company to purchase from. I've been purchasing my fo from N.G. and have been satisfied so far. I couple of their fo that I've purchased have great cold throws and I love that! I want to purchase some new oils though and try some of the other companies that you all have recommended. So tell me should I go with Bitter Creek, Just Scent, Peak or Brighter Scents? I'm going to order some more sample scents and want some really great strong scents with great throw. These will be for selling so I want to make sure that the throw is good. And I would like to find a company that I will stick with for all of my scent purchases. I've got my wax down pretty good and don't seem to have too much of a problem getting it to do what I want it to, I just want to perfect my technique now!

I also want to do a candle for my dad with a picture of the new puppy that I got him for his birthday (he's turning 80 tomorrow!) so if anyone has any tips for me in this area, I would love them!

I'm excited about being a member of the board and look forward to sharing my candles with you and getting some honest feedback. (my mom is pretty partial and tells me that they all look great!)

thanks! T.

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Thank you! I'll do just that and try the sample packs from a few of them! I love making candles, it's so relaxing to me. In my job I work 6 days a week apx 14 hour days (plus I'm a single mom to a 9 year old and a 19 year old) so I really needed an 'out' and making candles is so satisfying. I'm really excited to try some of the ideas that you all have posted on here. Like I said in my first post, you all seem so, so talented! Thanks again!

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Brighterscents is great and you can get a 10 pk/sample pk for about $17 and Just Scent is wonderful! You can also get a 10 pk (plus 3 free) for $18. I haven't had any (except Hot buttered popcorn..ewww) that didn't throw great and/or smell like they were suppose to! Good Luck!!

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Peaks doesn't have a huge variety of scents, but it's also not a "hit or miss" type of company either. You can't go wrong with a sample pack from them. I've found their scents to have excellent hot and cold throw.

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Peaks doesn't have a huge variety of scents, but it's also not a "hit or miss" type of company either. You can't go wrong with a sample pack from them. I've found their scents to have excellent hot and cold throw.

I totally agree with Peak, they are consistently good. Welcome to the board and I think it's wonderful that this is something you are doing with your children.

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BCN has several great lines of scents and sample packs. First time order you will also receive three 1/2 ounce samples free too. They have along with their regular scents, WYW- very strong, BNL scents-yummy.

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