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Votive making...how many molds do you use?

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Right now I only have 5 metal votive molds used for my test candles. Now that the business side of things are getting started after a looooong time, I was wondering how many votive molds do you feel are necessary to have? Any help is greatly appreciated as I am new to the boards here. Thanks!!!

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The way I was set up I could pour 3#s at a time from my pot. So that was about 21 of the octagonals I do (did), but I've got 36 molds so I pour 5#s in one session. That fits with the size I am. I could turn them around 3 times a day if I really hussled.

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Right now I only have 5 metal votive molds used for my test candles. Now that the business side of things are getting started after a looooong time, I was wondering how many votive molds do you feel are necessary to have? Any help is greatly appreciated as I am new to the boards here. Thanks!!!

I would recommend having at least 100 on hand if you are going into business. You can never have enough of these molds if you are going into production- trust me. They make a great freebie/promo candle at minimal cost. I have a source for you- the cheapest online and he has the best customer service and supplies on various items. Flat rate 5.00 shipping on all orders besides wax, glassware and bulk orders.

On a bulk order- he charges ACTUAL shipping. I can't express enough how happy I have been with Arnie.


He also sells on Ebay. Seller CANDLECHEM. But for the most economical shipping I would recommend purchasing directly from his website.

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Like Mystical said if you are planning on doing a lot of votives, you never have enough molds. I have around 400 molds and that works out well for me right now!! Candlechem or Candlewic have about the best prices for molds and wick pins. :cool2:

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I have 124 and that is not enough sometimes.. I know a presto pot can melt enough wax to make a 5 dozen (60) votive batch at a time. so however you are set up.. how much wax at once you can melt.. can help you determine how many molds you need.. I have enough to do two five dozen batches at a time.. but them I start running out of cooling space .. LOL..

so all these things space, how large a batch you can do at once.. or how many batches you can do in a day, or need to do before you have to clean molds.. storage space, and how you are going to store them... all those factors taken into account should give you a ruff idea of how many molds you need. It wouldn't do any good to have 500 molds if you don't have the space to cool them or store them or the capacity to make that many batches at a time.


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I use the 8 mold strips and generally pour 2 strips per scent which uses 2# of wax & yields 16 votives. If it's a new scent I take 4 home to do testing and hold the 12 till after results are in. On a good day I will pour 12 scents making 192 votives. I used to drill my wick holes with a drill press but have gotten spoiled by the wick pins. I actually have about 32 of the strip molds.

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I've got 120 molds I could pour at one time if I want, but generally I try to fill 18-20 of a scent at a time to fill our storage and display boxes. Making more is always an option with 120 molds available. Actually, I don't think having 120 is enough, but it works for me right now.

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