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OMG My new website

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:yay: I have been wanting a website for a long time. Well my DD decided that I needed one, tonight I opened my email and there was a note from her to click on this link and OMG it was my website! She made it and has no clue about my products so it needs lots of work but she did the best she could with what she knew. I still am in shock! She is such a sweetheart. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as today she found out from test results and biopsies that things are not good. She does not know the results but the Dr. called today and said she has the results and she needs to see her tues. (GRRRRRRRRRRR next week, the soonest she could see her) To discuss her options. She has done this site with all this other med. stuff going on. OH the site is www.lovelylathers.com Like I said by no means is it anywhere near ready to sell from but just had to share.
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Congrats on your website!! :yay:

I like the color scheme--it has a very warm and inviting feel to it. I looked around for a while and wow, girl, you've got some pretty soaps there!

Best of luck with the website! :)

You and your DD are in my thoughts today. I know how worrisome it is when one of your kids are having med problems. :(

Big {{{hugs}}} to you both!

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Your daughter is so very sweet. That was a wonderful thing to do for you. I will keep her in my prayers.

I had to sneak a peek at the website and your products are very nice! For a website that's not completed yet, it's looking awfully good! Best of luck.

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Thanks all for your kind words. My DD has a great outlook on life and is always positive! I do believe that plays a large part in your health and recocery. I know she will be ok. Thanks for the thumbs up on the site. I am hoping to work on it over the next week. Adding ingredients and sizes of items, she did not know that info. She managed to get those pics at a show and added them. I have lots more to add. Thanks All. SUE

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