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Scared to switch!

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I am new to this forum (God knows I wish I'd found it a year ago!) and have learned so much already. I have been purchasing my FO's from the same supplier since I started making candles, however, I never see them mentioned in any discussions and am wondering if I could be doing so much better. I originally started using them because of the variety of choices. I did buy a couple from a local supplier once when I went down to pick up wicks, but was unhappy with the throw. I went right back to the original one. The (main) reason I still buy from them (other that not know anything about any others) is because they have great deals!! Please let me know of some great FO suppliers! I'm open to change and would love to hear of other suppliers. Thanks so much!


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Why fix what aint broken?? If you're happy with your current supplier, and your candles etc. are selling I'd say you're fine. :)

I agree with that, but IMO it is wise to have back up suppliers.

What if your main supplier runs out of your FO, goes out of biz, or you have a problem with their customer service, or they raise their prices ect....,

then you are screwed, big time, because you don't have back up...:sad2:

I try samples of wicks, FO, wax from many suppliers.

Then I keep notes on back suppliers, especially for FO's.

Plus while testing many different suppliers, I have found so many great products, prices, FO's, lots of great information about candle making, and friends. HTH:cool2:

ETS: Here is link to suppliers...http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5492

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