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4 new ebedded floral designs


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These are done on white paper...then embedded...all of them worked! Yeah.....Now I am going to try to cut some water color washed paper and put flowers on them. I am just a posessed woman on a mission. Now I need more bamboo....almost bought some plants a couple of years ago.....almost. Donita


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Your 'canes are so beautiful, you are a very talented lady.

I read your post regarding the paper, but want to get it straight. You are adhearing your dried arrangement to the paper and then embedding in the candle? Is that correct? When you have this perfected, which I think you already do, maybe you could post how you are doing it.

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work.;)

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Thanks everyone...here's what I know......not a lot....but I'll share anyway hee hee hee...I use a straight cut parrafin with a mp of 155.....add 2% micro 180 to help with brittleness...it still stays very clear. A little mold release in the wax.....really clean molds....Put a dap of tacky glue on the back of leaves and flowers....don't overlap too many or the arragement will be too thick...let dry completely...then I melt some clear wax and brush it over the flowers...let dry....heat my mold, pour in wax, tap tap tap.....carefully dip your arrangement into the melt pot, hold by one corner...pull out slowly and turn over and dip the other side....pull out slowly and then put it into the mold....put in place with wooded spoon....tap tap tap tap tap tap tap...get those air bubbles out......smooth the back with the spoon and/or chopstick...tap again...then use a ice cold rag against the mold wall starting from the bottom and carefully move the wooden spoon back and forth pushing out all of the air and sealing the picture to the side.......water bath until it forms a little less than 1/2" side wall and pour out...heat the inside with heat gun and refrigerate until it comes out easily from the mold... Now....when I used a square mold, it isn't exactly square....they are made smaller at the bottom and larger at the top so candles will slide out...I just cut my sides straignt, but next time I may give it a little taper to fit better....I don't think it really matters. It is what it is.....a floral picture. Now I just scanned some water color washed paper and am going to cut them into circles with deckle edge sissors and build an arrangement on them then embed it....maybe an oval shape or square or whatever....should be interesting.....might like it, might not...but I am going to give it a try. Oh a heart shape would work too....try to make little nosegay designs....... Donita

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Oh these are managable.....if you have questions, ask. Try again....I just kept trying until I made it work....then it started making sense to me. I use an ICE cold towel and place it at the bottom all in one motion while holding the picture against the mold with the back of a flat wooden spoon....then start moving the towel upwards and moving the spoon back and forth...Don't rush it....let the embed stick to the mold.....then I turn the towel over to the cold side and hold it against the outside of the mold until I am sure that it is set......then water bath. I have not had one float....a couple of them tried to and a corner at the bottom came up a little....so now I make sure that the bottom is secure. Try again and don't get discouraged, it will eventually work...promise.

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