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** What's in your pot for the next week?

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I must admit I don't have anything planned. Today I cut some test logs of a wine scent, and a pear scent. Crossing fingers they are what I've been looking for.

Then I'm playing around with my camera some more - I've been out on walks taking wildflower pics. Got some great ones I might have made up into cards.

Then stuff I didn't do last weekend - honeysuckle log, lavender log. Maybe another grapefruit slab. Though it's going to be hard to work indoors, it's supposed to be near 80F today.

What's up at your place?

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Last minute pouring and labeling...first show is tomorrow. Gotta love Cincy weather. It's been calling for rain all week, now it's supposed to be 70 and party sunny. I don't know if that will be good or bad news for the show. But I guess I won't need those 2 sheets of 4x8 carboard that are in the back of my car!

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Lovespell....and LOTS of it :)

That is soo funny I am doing Lovespell too! Votives, tarts and tealights.

I am also going to check out a new embossing technique...we will see how that goes...

I'm also going to try out some new fragrances...but that's all going to be today, i have to work all weekend...LOL

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Dh and I will be building some shelves in the garage to finish making it my workshop...then I'll be moving all my supplies out there! :yay:

Once I get moved out there, I need to pour some pillars. I have a photographer who's going to take REAL pictures for my catalog (I take crappy pics)

Saturday night we're having a poker party for my dh's bday! Lots of fun, friends, and alcohol!!

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I am going to have Amber Romance and a few others in my bowl until I can figure out this Whipped Body Butter thing. I may work on labels for my candle jars because I don't usually use labels except for shows. My customers that I have prefer no labels so they can reuse jar. LOL I just think it looks to plain without a label.


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I'm so excited, yet bummed at the same time! My GL 70/30 and Ind. Teak, Birthday Cake and my wicks just arrived! WooHoo!!:drool:

Downside is we have our first festival of the season this weekend so I can't play with it til Sunday! My hubbie and I do booths in the children's area with sand art and temporary tattoos! Saturday will be beautiful so I'll go and take my daughter, but Sunday is gonna rain all day so we'll send hubbie to the festival and we'll stay home and play with GL!!! Yippee!!!!

I have been messing around with crappy (craft store) supplies trying to figure out containers, and this week I've finally made my first few quality candles, with some wax samples that Candlewic sent me, and all of the goodies I've collected from the classifieds.

The bug that bit me just keeps growing....and our bank account shrinking!

Before I went overboard buying for my daughter, now it's candle supplies! :cheesy2:

Happy pouring,


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"The bug that bit me just keeps growing....and our bank account shrinking!

Before I went overboard buying for my daughter, now it's candle supplies! :cheesy2:"

I know just what you mean!! I keep telling everyone I spent less than I really did on each package that arrives, but still they're all starting to give me weird looks with each new arrival... lol.

I'm going to try some paraffin this weekend, my soy supply is dwindling... Think I'll make some strawberry kiwi votives, maybe a few tealights...

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I will be filling fundraiser orders to go out Monday.

Than regrouping for the next go around with a fundraiser group.

Fix those rose colored Vanilla Crunch candles.

I had tested one with yellow dye added it's been almost 2 weeks no

color change so I will remelt repour .

Woo WEE fun Yuk,

hate to think of a redo ,

I feel lucky I had time to fix the problem.

Also been playing with the aroma beads a bit.

I need to learn how to make pillars :rolleyes2

Say Robin, maybe you could give me some advice ? I have 6228 wax to try

Have a great weekend all :wave:


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I'm going to melt down some votives I made last week and redo them as small container candles. It was actually container wax that I tried to use in a votive mold. The result was not pretty although the scent (buttercream vanilla) is wonderful!

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I'm pouring florals, florals, and more florals this weekend. Lavenders, Honeysuckle, Plumeria, Jasmine, Dogwood, Gardenia ... you name it! Oh, and Love Smell for an order. All this customer ever gets is Love Smell and Plumeria. At least she knows what she likes, I guess. LOL

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Well my house is a complete disaster...you name it and I need to be doing it. Do you think I am? ...not as fast as I should be.

Pillars, jars, soap, tarts. Some to fill wholesale orders, the rest to stock my own store. I've been bombarded with wholesale though and it puts me off on my own shelves!

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