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French Green Clay Shaving Soap!


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Ok! Batch number 2 rotted and whipped! And OMG it feels fantastic, and was much easier this time. I used boric acid this time to supercream instead of stearic and it made all the difference in the world! Scented with MMS's Cool Water.


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Sami - I honestly have no clue, as this is only my second batch. I'm just not informed enough about the product to offer much here.. Once DH gets home from offshore, I'll have him use it. He breaks out easily and is the main reason I wanted to make this stuff in the first place. Will update you if you wish on the results?!

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This recipe was a lot different.. I upped the stearic quite a bit, and used boric acid for the supercream instead of the stearic, and it was SO MUCH EASIER to work with!

Stearic Acid - 6 oz

Castor - 1 oz

Palm Kernal - 5 oz

Grapeseed - 2 oz

Olive - 2 oz

.5 French Green Clay

.4 Panthenol

Now, keep in mind, I still know pretty much nothing about making these recipes, and am totally playing with it to figure out what I like best. Like this one was made with the cleansing oil being palm kernal instead of coconut like the last one. The next one I'll do a combo of them both and change up a few other oils. My skin likes this one better, but it lacks in comparison to the other in the "bubbleage" department.

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