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Wild Watermelon - 2nd try...


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Here's my second try with Peak's Watermelon FO! The first was okay, but not what I wanted (so my students are going to get those bars). This version is what I had in mind. Peak's watermelon is a nice, strong FO but acts a little different in my recipe than others - only a quick initial stick stirring needed and the rest by hand only. :eek: Here's the pic:


Thanks for checking it out!

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What a beaut! It is so realistic looking!

I like the odd 'watermelon seed'.....

I had a country apple FO that was way too strong.........and a Peach and Pear FO that just seized my soap right up with one swirl!

Now, I try warming the FO's a little, I think that might help........Dunno!

But the scent is still strong!

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:) Thanks so much for your comments!

Grumpy, the bars are colored with powdered oxides. The "rind" is colored with TD and a combination of moss and mint green oxides (equal parts). These went into the lye solution for the rind batch. The melon batch (no TD) was colored with amethyst pink (I absolutely love the colors you can get with this particular shade) that went straight into the warm oils in the pot along with the FO as soon the oils had cooled a bit. It looks kind of orangey, but when it cools in the soap it turns this nice watermelon pink. The top swirl was done by mixing a little dry pink color with the warm oils to smooth it out, then adding soap at early trace and giving it a stir then setting it aside until the soap in the pot is ready to pour. All the colors were from MMS. If you want, when I get home from work I can haul out the jars and get the exact names off them. I've got to get off this computer and get ready to go to work. :cry2: I hope I haven't blathered on too long....

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