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I just made... *CUT PICS ADDED*

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... the most beautiful batch of UNSCENTED soap! Dammit.

DH was trying to talk to me while I was mixing this batch and I no sooner told him "please don't try to hold a conversation with me right now, I don't want to end up with a lye burn", and I turned around to get my dividers after doing my three color swirlie ...and saw the cup of FO still sitting on the scale.

DOH!!! :waiting:


Is anybody interested in testing my base recipe? I'll take 9 testers that are willing to pay shipping and give me feedback. :laugh2:




I'm kinda liking the crinkle cutter. It's the first time I've tried to use it.

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Thanks guys... I'm thinking about the many ways I could murder him right now. So far I haven't come up with anything that is harsh enough. :laugh2:

I used ultramarines to color this time and some lilac mica. :( Thankfully I still have some of the lilac mica left. I have the second batch of oils cooling... I already put the FO in. I left no chance for error this time around. ;)

I have one person who wants to test the base recipe after it cures, that leaves 8 more bars available if anyone is interested. I'll post a small review site up for whoever would like to try it.

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Oh man, can I have one in my swap box too? I sent you one of mine in MY box :) Dang now I ruined the surprise.

You weren't wearing your 'Pod, that's where you went wrong ;)

I'm a card carrying member of SAPS, Soapers Against Podless Soaping.....

Gotcha girl. ;) I'm gonna tear into that box of yours I received today in a few minutes and retrieve some soap! I'm suprised I hadn't opened it yet, but I got busy about the time the mailman came today. WooHoo!! Soap!

Okay guys, 4 bars left.

You're right. If I'd been wearing my ipod, I couldn't have heard him.

I need to join SAPS... and the acronym is fitting too. :laugh2:

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Well the soap I sent wasn't nearly as pretty but I do know it smells sooooooo good, lol :)

I think an iPod is an essential to all soaping/candle/B&B processes. It helps me tune out everything and just focus (ie ignore phone, kid, DH, pets, etc etc). Right now I'm going back & forth between Loreena McKennit & some various '80s stuff/Green Day. OMG did I just admit that?

Join SAPS today!

Done with the hijack............

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