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Your favorite Parafin for Scent Throw

Guest Japes

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Guest Japes

Ok, I've ordered my samples of the GreenLeaf 70/30 blend, and samples of the GB 444. These are my soys and I would like some suggestions for pararfins. My main concern in these is scent throw.

There seems to be quite a few MORE options for parafin than for soy, so, I don't really know where to start. I would like to order maybe two or three different Soy Waxes with the best possible hot throw. From what I understand, and have read on here, the J225 is the latest and greatest. Anyone else care to share their best throwing parafins?

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It is all personal preference. I can tell you that greenleaf is the absolute best on the market. Another candlemaker can say J50 is the absolute best out there.

I personally don't use just one wax. I test several different blends together and mixtures to get one I like. But then GreenLeaf popped up. Granted it is a blend all in itself, I still am testing it with my own mixture and so far, I love the blend with greenleaf in there.


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Guest Japes

are you referring to the Greenleaf 70/30 blend? I'm assuming you are? How does it rate so far in it's one pour ability?

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For a lot of us too, what we test depends on where we live. I won't use Greenleaf because they are too far from me and I won't pay that much for shipping. I currently use J50 for a paraffin one pour because, after much testing, I found that it had the best throw and was easy to wick.

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I use J50 and J223....J50 is a one pour for me....J223 requires a re pour to top off...gets a dip. Sometimes a zap with heat gun will do. Both have a great scent throw, hot and cold. I use J50 for heavy scents...J223 for lighter scents...works for me:grin2:

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are you referring to the Greenleaf 70/30 blend? I'm assuming you are? How does it rate so far in it's one pour ability?

There is no second pour needed with GL 70/30 blend. Perfectly smooth top every time and the tops remain smooth even after burning. there have been some pics posted of containers with the GL wax you could take a peak at.

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Has anyone tried the J225 that I mentioned above? How does it compare to the J50 and J223?

The J225 was just released a few months ago so not many people have used it yet. Do a search on here for J225 and you should find a few threads regarding this wax.

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I find a straight paraffin gives me so much more versatility. You can play with the additives to achieve different results.

Everyone has their own preference.

You should really try different waxes to see what YOU like.

For instance, I despise soy. It smells funny, to my nose.

I don't like one pours, as there is no creativity in it for me.

BCN has a deal so that you can buy different waxes to test. At least, they used to.

Most of all, have fun!

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Japes the best thing for you do do is this:

JUMP IN WITH BOTH FEET. Order different wax from several suppliers, test it to see what "YOU" like and what works best for "YOU". I mean come on, 20 people could tell you what they like best, what wax throws best for them and it's not going to make a difference. You've got to spend a little money here until you find your personal preference. Candle making isn't cheap. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you have to spend tons of money but like I stated you are going to have to spend some money in order to figure out what you like best.

It would have been nice if 6 1/2 years ago I just popped in on a message board wanting the members to tell me exactly which wax, wick and containers I should use. Comprehend this: Spend money until you find what you like and what works best for you.

Example #1) Has anyone tried the J225 that I mentioned above? How does it compare to the J50 and J223?

Instead of asking this question you should be ordering the J225, J50 and J223 to see for yourself how they compare.

Example #2) Same thing. Order all of this to see what "YOU" like best. Your questions are spooner questions. I understand you are a newbie, but don't come here expecting everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. Spend some money, get your feet wet, test!

Newbie here Needs help

Hello all. WONDERFUL forum. I'm just now wanting to get into candle making and was looking to put together a short list of recommended resources. For example:

1-Best soy wax for purposes of scent throw and fragrance load.

2-Best parafin for purposes of scent throw and fragrance load.

3-Best supplier of fragrance oils, waxes, containers, wicks, etc.

4-What supplies such as burners, etc, you would recommend that I start with.

5-Tips and tricks for newbies. For example, what is the best temperature at which to pour the oil, for purposes of scent throw? Best wicks to use for slow, even burning, and maximum throw/burn pool. Etc, Etc, Etc.

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Guest Japes

Here we go again. I'll choose to ignore this post, other than to say that, people who were using slide rules, years ago, no longer have to. People who were using typewriters, no longer have to. It's called progressing. Don't be bitter about the fact that six years ago, when you started, you either didn't know about, or didn't have available, a place like this, with as many helpful folks as are on here, for purposes of helping fellow candle makers out.

So, I appreciate all the help everyone has provided. I've received PM's with suggested suppliers close to me, as well as information on here with different waxes, and starting points for me to test.

Again, don't hate me because I don't HAVE to spend as much on testing as you used to have to when you had none of this at your disposal. Get over it and move on.

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Guest Japes

By the way, one more thing. What I'm asking for is your opinion on waxes, much the same as many people read MOVIE REVIEWS or BOOK REVIEWS or RESTAURANT REVIEWS. It's because you do NOT have to really spend your money on a wax that 9 out of 10 people think is horrendous. It's the very purpose of these forums...to help other chandlers out, and to help answer questions.

That is NOT to say that you will agree with every movie critit, or restaurant critic, or fellow chandler, however, it helps provide a starting point. That's all I'm looking for. And, in case you didn't notice it, everyone else that posted previously was willing to help and give their two cents. You are the ONLY bitter sounding person who seems upset that things aren't what they used to be, and that the fact that YOU had to spend a small fortune on testing should mean that EVERYONE should have to.

Again, times change, so please, move on and let it go. Let's get back to the question at hand....Your favorite parafin for scent throw.

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For scent throw, I like 4627 and J50. 4627 is extremely ooey gooey sticky wax but has an awesome throw, J50 has an awesome throw too. A lot of people on this board like J223, I tried it and it doesn't have near the throw as the other two do for me. I'm testing the greenleaf 70/30 now and it's doing great too, I really like it so far.

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By the way, one more thing. What I'm asking for is your opinion on waxes, much the same as many people read MOVIE REVIEWS or BOOK REVIEWS or RESTAURANT REVIEWS. It's because you do NOT have to really spend your money on a wax that 9 out of 10 people think is horrendous. It's the very purpose of these forums...to help other chandlers out, and to help answer questions.

That is NOT to say that you will agree with every movie critit, or restaurant critic, or fellow chandler, however, it helps provide a starting point. That's all I'm looking for. And, in case you didn't notice it, everyone else that posted previously was willing to help and give their two cents. You are the ONLY bitter sounding person who seems upset that things aren't what they used to be, and that the fact that YOU had to spend a small fortune on testing should mean that EVERYONE should have to.

Again, times change, so please, move on and let it go. Let's get back to the question at hand....Your favorite parafin for scent throw.

I think the link you are missing is the fact everyone has their own preference.

Tons of people love soy, I hate it.

Tons of people love J223, I hate it.

Tons of people love J50, I hate it.

Tons of people love CB, I hate it.

That's the part you are missing. You might love the soy, J223, J50.

So can you see where people are coming from? You have to buy different waxes and test for yourself. No one is trying to be difficult or cruel.

They are trying to say, what works for them, may not work for you.

As far as a straight paraffin goes, you will have to research different additives to be able to achieve different results.

There is a TON of info here and on line. Highly recommend doing a ton of research before spending a ton of money is all I'm trying to say.

Good luck and keep good notes!

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Something you might try is to post in the classified section of this board and get a pound or so of each of the waxes you want to try. You might even find someone who has more than one of the waxes you want and can get two or three from the same person, it's worth a try. The shipping can be a little high on just a pound or so but it still beats buying a 10lb sampler and finding out you just cannot stand that wax.

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Guest Japes

I think the point that YOU are trying to miss is that your own personal preference is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. As stated previously, I'm not looking for facts..only opnions. Again, maybe you missed it up top but, when someone looks at a movie review, it goes without saying that they are reading someone's OPINION. And you may or may not agree with it, however, it helps in guiding you to whether or not you want to see the movie (at least that is their purpose).

This is what I"m looking for here. I'm not asking for fact, I'm asking for opinions. What I do with those opinions is my business.

Can we just get back on topic here?

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And, in case you didn't notice it, everyone else that posted previously was willing to help and give their two cents. You are the ONLY bitter sounding person who seems upset that things aren't what they used to be, and that the fact that YOU had to spend a small fortune on testing should mean that EVERYONE should have to.


Nah a lot of us would rather see you attempt something other than a personal study. I think you're the one bent out of shape and willing to snap at anyone so you won't get a lot of replies. Besides no one wants to continue to mutter the same stuff to a wall.

It's pretty simple ... if you even read anything on this board besides your own posts ... there are a lot of waxes mentioned so start by trying was intrigues you by reading up on the wax and its characteristics ... usually found ... of all places ... on a supplier's website or from the distributor.

It has nothing to do with what was going on six years ago, because there was still a lot more available then there was 10 years ago ... mute point and sorry example to use. JMO. Ignore it like you have most of the replies you've gotten as it doesn't include a silver spoon with it.

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Guest Japes

Mute point? I think you mean "moot" point. Either way, it most certainly isn't a "moot" point (or "mute" for that matter). It's a very valid point.

I don't remember ever reading a movie review where the movie critic wrote...

"Listen, I could tell you what I thought about the movie, but, it's best if you just went out and saw it for yourself and made your own judgement."

What I'm asking for is wax reviews. And, by the way, I have read quite a few threads on here, so, please don't pretend that you know me.

If you don't wish to contribute, don't...that's your right. However, in case you didn't read the posts in this thread, there are quite a few people who DO choose to contribue and help. And, by the way, I've received at least a half dozen private messages from people telling me to "keep my head up" and to "ignore the bitter, angry, selfish posters on here." They have all indicated, and I have confirmed, that the good ones on here FAR FAR FAR outnumber those that are either unwilling to, or unable to help give an opinion. And you can BELIEVE that.

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IMHO...You can use the search button to find all the opinions you want and that way you won't have to be such an A$$ to all the valued members of this board.

You really should go find George, I think the two of you would get along beautifully.

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