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A few new things


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stupid question alert!!!! Is that scented in Monkey Fart's? all I can read from the label is "Fart Monster Spray". If its supposted keep my DH's farts away I need a much bigger bottle. :laugh2: J/K, I know kids love that monster spray, just trying to figure out what you have on the label. BTW I love the colorfull bottles, & the baskets are really cute.


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Everything Looks soo colorful and wonderful!!!! Great Job!!!

One question!? What are the soap bath puffs for and how are they used? I know silly! They just look VERYYY cool!!!

Ok girl, you trying to tell me you've never heard of/seen bath poufs before??? :confused: If so, you've been missin' out sweetie, I swear these things are the best thing since sliced bread!! I'm never ever without one in my shower. ;)

Julia, I love love LOVE the Monster Spray, those bottles and the labels just make you wanna grab it up in every color-good marketing skills ya got there girl!! :thumbsup:

Oh and those little mesh eggs are DARLING, what a great idea with the bath bombs in there for Easter, that's my kind of Easter gift! :D

I bought those same "boxes/bags" at Walmart during Christmas time, in all the Christmasy colors of course, aren't they great??!! :)

WTG girl, you should be very proud of yourself, you've really got the touch for packaging your products!! :)

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